Page 61 of Make Me Scream

“I didn’t think it was possible to hate him more.”

“Yeah, well, it is. He doesn’t wield his power over the academy just for the sake of controlling his students’ art. He uses it to satisfy other desires.”

I only need one guess.

“He fucks students.”

“Yes,” Lane says. “Especially the ones depending on his scholarships.”

What a piece of shit!

“How is he not in fucking jail?”

“As far as I know, he isn’t forcing himself on anyone. In his own words, it’s ‘purely transactional.’ He promises to get their work into galleries or recommend them for grants, connect them with his industry contacts… Stuff like that. It’s seedy but legal.”

That’s some fucking bullshit.

“Gwen, I think he’s coming for you. I don’t know what his next move will be. I’m guessing he’ll find some other incentive for you to give him what he wants.”

My heart stops for a second.

“Joel. If Mundell knows we’re friends, he might assume that Joel helped film my Enmity Jane pieces. Then he could threaten to stop supporting Joel.”

Lane nods.

“It’s very possible.”

“If he tries that, I’ll kill him.”

“I wouldn’t blame you.”

Nothing would make me happier than punching Mundell right in his fucking face, but it wouldn’t help Joel.

“I’d rather gouge my eye out with a tooth chisel than let him touch me.”

“Good,” Lane says, shifting over to sit next to me. Taking my hand, he says, “You need to be ready when he tries, though. You need a plan.”

“Okay. What do you have in mind?”

I doubt Mundell will take the hint if I play dumb about his intentions. I can’t dodge his calls or e-mails forever. Rebuffing him will have consequences. The devil on my shoulder whispers a diabolical fantasy of recording his attempt to exploit me and turning the situation on him; it could mark the rebirth and ascension of Enmity Jane.

A girl can dream.

“The obvious but unpleasant solution is for you to transfer to another school. Take yourself out of the situation and rob Mundell of any power over you and your art.”

Sighing, I shake my head.

“We’ve been through this. I’d need another scholarship.”

“I’d pay, Gwen. Tuition, expenses, everything. I can afford it.”

I turn aside to avoid his eyes. That’s far too generous.

“I can’t ask that of you.”

“You didn’t ask. I’m offering. I don’t want Mundell anywhere near you. It would be a small price to pay to keep you out of his reach.”

The things men will do to compete with one another…