“You want me to… go home?”
Smiling, he takes my hand.
“You’re welcome to come back to my place. I know we’ll have fun, though we probably won’t get much rest.”
I blush and glance down at my sneakers.
He’s not wrong.
Honestly, after the day I’ve had, my bed sounds pretty appealing — and I’m sure it won’t be long before I find myself in Lane’s.
“Okay. But what about the…” I wave my hand in front of my crotch.
“Try to keep it on. But you have my permission to take it off if you absolutely must.”
The audacity of him telling me what I can do once I get home…
And yet, I do feel relieved. As strange as it is, I want to please him — to make him proud — and not just as his student. If he wants me to keep the rope in place, I will try.
“I’ll give you a special reward if you succeed,” Lane adds. He bends over and kisses me.
I melt into his arms. As subtly as he can on the city street, he slips a hand into my pants and tugs on the tight rope, digging it in deeper. Groaning, I sway against his body, feasting on the pleasure.
“Yes, sir,” I wheeze.
He paws at my ass, reminding me of the earlier spanking, and I almost wish he’d smack it, even if people would see. That’s probably why I want him to.
Maybe someday, as Enmity Jane — not tonight.
When our kiss ends, Lane walks me to the subway platform, wishes me goodnight and heads home.
I make my way to my apartment in a complete daze.
The last time I felt this way was when the bus I rode from Ohio exited the Lincoln Tunnel and I saw Manhattan in person for the first time: I knew from then on my life would be different, and I couldn’t wait to live it.
Lane definitely got my mind off of Rush Mundell, another reason to be grateful. As mad as I am about what he did, now I feel like there’s an even better way forward.
I’m so wrapped up in my thoughts that I barely notice walking in on Joel painting Martin.
“Oh shit!” Martin squeaks, covering himself up with a couch cushion.
Joel peers around the canvas in front of him.
I spin around, covering my eyes.
“Gwen! What are you doing back?” Joel asks. “Weren’t you staying the night?”
I never said that, but considering how long I was gone, it wasn’t an unfair assumption.
“Let’s just say there was no need,” I chuckle. “We already… uh… completed the lesson for the day.”
“Does that mean what I think?”
Partially, I suppose. But Joel can’t imagine the half of it.