Page 44 of Make Me Scream

Every nerve in my body sizzles at once. Thoroughly degraded, furious while powerless, I ache in a way I’ve never imagined. Lane makes me want to scream with rage and howl for his touch all at once.

“I told you before,” he says, taking my chin in his palm. “This is about teaching you humility, Ms. Carpenter, and you still have a lot to learn.”

Chapter 10

I grunt a mumbled swear at him, shaking in my bonds.

“Perfect,” Lane says. “Let me see that fire.”

With a fresh page ready, he gets back to work. This time he peeks at me constantly, though he works as quickly as before.

Is this how he’s going to draw me? Gagged, with warm juice trailing down my inner leg? Is he capturing the hot blush brightening my cheeks? Is he creating a backdrop that further conveys my yearning?

I don’t have to wait long to find out: within just a few minutes Lane shows me a sketch of my face. Seeing my lips curled around the rubber ball elicits a fresh spasm of excitement deep inside. I look miserable in the most intoxicating way. My hair’s a mess, my jaw’s stretched wide. He drew enough of my shoulders to convey that my arms are raised and I am not in a comfortable state.

“Such expressive eyes,” Lane says. “There are so many conflicting feelings happening at once, it’s not easy trying to capture all of them. I think what will help is to… narrow the focus.”

Lane reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a thin chain with two metal clips at each end. He holds it out so I can see, then attaches the first clip to my pebbled nipple.

Oh, fuck!

The clamp pinches down hard, a lance of throbbing pain. Grunting, I turn my body as much as possible, trying to shield my chest.

“You’re only making this more difficult on yourself,” Lane says, fastening the second clip. “Humiliation leads to pain. You will learn to endure both. Is that understood?”

I inhale in ragged, shallow breaths, gazing down at my tormented chest. A line of drool spills from my lip, and even when I lift my chin, it doesn’t stop right away.

“Look at you. Poor thing,” Lane says. He pulls a kerchief from his pocket and wipes my lips. “Be honest with me now: do you think the lesson is over?”

I shake my head, not breaking eye contact.

If he wants me to back out now, I won’t give him the satisfaction. As humiliated as I may feel, it could be far, far worse. There’s no one else in the room with us — no one outside of it will see me like this. And-


That’s the problem.

If I’m here to learn humility, I’m not there yet. Not if I can still summon so much defiance. I came here to learn — and so far, I haven’t.

“You sure, Gwen?”

I nod. My breasts ache from the clamps, but I breathe in and let the sensation flow around me.

Satisfied, Lane returns to his sketch pad. He works for a bit longer this time, though just as fast. When he’s done, he shows me the drawing, which starts at my navel and stops just below my nose. Now I can see the nipple clips from his perspective: how the chain between them hangs in a crescent, almost like a smile. He’s added a line of saliva on my lower lip, like there was before.

It’s sexy as fuck. I can already imagine people looking at it, framed in a gallery. I could be there, watching everyone, enjoying the fact that they’d have no idea they were looking at my breasts.

“You like?” Lane asks. His tone suggests he already knows the answer.

Despite myself, I chuckle.

“Oh, you’re in a much better mood now. Those clamps did the trick, huh?”

I roll my eyes.

“Let’s try something new then.”

Lane takes a black, leather collar from his briefcase and seals it around my neck. It’s tight, and a thick, metal loop hangs from the front. Next, Lane disconnects the cuffs around my wrists from the chains that lifted my arms to the ceiling. Before I can move around too freely, he connects the cuffs together with a padlock, securing my arms behind my back.