I come. I come with his cock deep inside me. I come with his hand curled around my hip, his fingers strumming the bud of my clit until I scream. And still he keeps fucking me, the flat, hard plane of his stomach slapping against my punished ass as he pushes me through that first climax and right into another, his fingers rubbing the little button between my legs so roughly I wail and writhe, my legs trying to close until he kicks them wide and plunges deeper. I am going to take his cock as he wants me to. My pussy is getting more and more tender, becoming fatigued, but I’m slick with juices and he is still fucking me. The room is full of grunts and moans, theslap slap slapof each and every thrust going deep inside my cunt.
And then he comes. Inside me. I was expecting him to pull out, but he slams himself in as deep as he can go and holds himself there, pinning me against the table as his semen pumps inside my fucked pussy. And I come again, not because of the stimulation. Not because he’s rubbing my clit, or fucking my pussy, but because he just came inside me. Because I know his seed is deep inside me. He used me as a vessel for his cum. He used my cunt for his pleasure. And he made me feel it too, all the way to the very end.
I am trembling with orgasm as he pulls out, thick wads of cum slipping from my open pussy and rolling down over my clit before falling to the faded linoleum below.
I feel dirty. I feel used. I feel amazing.
He picks me up from the table, his hand still in my hair, guiding the rest of my body with his other hand.
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” he says, speaking to me in calm, assertive tones. “We’re going to walk out of here and I’m going to take you home. Now be a good girl and pull your jeans back up. We don’t want the whole police station to see your messy pussy, do we?”
My face burns red as he releases my hair. I dip down to pull my jeans and panties back up, but I’ve momentarily forgotten how hard he whipped my ass with that belt. I remember quickly as the rough fabric touches my ass, and jump forward a half step, threatening to fall off balance entirely until he catches me and steadies me on my feet.
“Careful.” He smiles down at me.
For a moment, I am caught in the pale blue steel of his eyes. Helpless, I stare at him and I find a thousand wonderings sparking in my mind. What would it be like to be actually loved by a man like this? What would it be like if that sex had meant something to him? How would it feel to just let myself be his?
These are all very dangerous questions, and I quickly push them aside.
I’m sore. I’m embarrassed. But the enemy is no longer entirely outside me. It’s not just Ethan I have to fight. It’s whatever part of me let him do all that to me—and enjoyed it.
Chapter Two
I am playing a very dangerous game. But those are the only games worth playing.
This young woman squirming in front of me is a prize unlike any other I have ever won. When I first received her message, I planned to pay her off. It’s usually a simple enough matter. Seven figures, an NDA, and we’re done.
But Casey is different. She has principles. She’s managed to escape her early twenties with her ideals intact. That’s rare. Most people have sold out so hard by her age, been pounded by the realities of life to the point they’ll take money for practically anything. Or maybe it just happens that I travel in circles of the particularly venal. At any rate, she is a curiosity and a rarity.
There’s something about her, an innocence I can’t help but want to defile. She’s arrogant too, so sure of herself even though she really has no reason to be. I’m sure she’d be horrified if I were to tell her that I see a little of myself in her.
I’d have told me to go fuck myself. I would have extorted me for millions too, which she didn’t do. She doesn’t want money. She just wanted me to do the right thing. It’s a sweet idea, but there are a whole lot of reasons why men like me can’t afford to do the ‘right’ thing.
I couldn’t have lied to her. She’s too smart for that. What she found has been in plain sight for well over a year. Nobody else has detected it, because it’s not obvious. You have to be a certain kind of smart to work out what the various nodes do and how they can interact. She deduced our system without ever seeing the back end. It’s the equivalent of knowing what a jigsaw puzzle looks like from three pieces.
This is one smart woman. And smart people are dangerous, especially if they have principles—especially to themselves.
And she’s beautiful. I am used to attractive women. I employ dozens of them. My world is full of models and other alluring creatures, but Casey is different from most of them. I’m sure she’s noticed that she’s appealing to the male gaze, but she hasn’t traded on it. I’d even go so far as to say her clothing is a brazen attempt to hide how attractive she is.
She has long dark hair, eyes so brown I could lose myself in them. There’s a lot hidden in this rebellious gaze of hers. Her mouth is kissable, red and pouting, not from cosmetics, but from being fucked good and long and hard. Her skin is a beautiful caramel tone, little freckles dotting her nose and her cheeks.
She smells like me. Because her pussy is dripping with me. Usually, once I have a woman, I lose interest. This doesn’t make me a good man, but that’s because I’m not a good man. Or a nice one. I’m a ruthless fucking bastard, and this woman has a light that even a cunt full of cum doesn’t dull.
Her desire was a surprise. I didn’t expect her to want me sexually. After our meeting in my office, I reckoned that she was too ideologically opposed to me to ever muster desire. But I was wrong about that. She wants me even more than the gold diggers do.
I knew from her search history that she had a fascination with kink, but that alone does not a submissive make. When my belt landed, she blossomed. She arched her hips and she presented that ass to be punished. I don’t think she knew she was doing it, but I think the officers were superfluous. I think I could have her present herself to me for whatever I liked and she would do it, because beneath that whip-smart, smart-mouthed shell, she’s a wildcat waiting to be tamed.
I drop a kiss on her mouth. Hard. Punishing. Deep.
She melts against me, her hands going to my chest, not to push away, but to draw down the length of my midsection. She likes what she feels. Poor thing is trapped by her biology. I’m everything her flesh is designed to want, but I’m also everything she hates.
This is not going to be easy for either of us. Good.
Chapter Three