Page 13 of Bred

I jump up as soon as I am down, but I don’t get far. His long limbs catch me almost immediately and I find myself back on the bench. This is where his extra limbs come into play. He can hold me down with three of them while using the fourth to wield the belt—and that’s precisely what he does.

I howl in outrage as the leather lands across my ass. It comes in a flash of heat and pain, a kind of pain I am not used to at all.

As the pain of the first stroke sinks into my skin, he holds me there and makes me feel it. “You’re a disobedient little brat of a human,” he lectures. “You were reckless, putting yourself and everybody on board this ship in danger. If you had caused serious damage to the power system, you could have caused the deaths of thousands. And why?”

“Because I was fucking taken, and I want you to put me back!”


The belt lands again, searing against the very same spot, causing another shriek of pain and outrage.

“We will decide what is done with you, female. You will be obedient and you will submit to our will, or you will feel pain and be punished. Do you understand?”

“Fuck you, Sir!”

Smack! Smack! Smack!Three hard lashes land in a row, the quick belting building intense heat and sensation across my ass, which now feels completely consumed by the sting.

“If you can do none of the above, you will, at a minimum, speak with respect,” he says dryly. He still has a very calm air about him. My resistance does not anger him, though it does get a swift and stern response in the form of that blasted belt landing against my bare skin.

I gasp and hold my breath and try not to start crying pathetically, though that’s what I want to do. I want to curl up and sob and beg for mercy, but I can already tell I’m not going to get any from him. It is his job to punish me, and he’s going to do it.





My body jolts with every landing of the belt. I try to focus on breathing and controlling my reactions. He wants to break me down and make me submit. He said as much, but I’m not going to give him what he wants, I’m going to survive this punishment and I’m going to keep looking for a way off this ship. They have to stop eventually. They have to have shuttles that can be taken. I am far from being out of ideas.

Another three hard lashes land. That’s ten. All I have to do is take two more of these brutal strokes. I take a deep, shuddering breath, close my eyes and wait.

But they don’t come. I am still being held in place, one hand on the back of my neck, the other on the small of my back, and another on my hip. I can’t move away from the bench, or from him. I know more are coming. I know the heat in my bottom is not going to go away any time soon, and I also know that I’m going to be feeling this for quite some time.

“Tell me what you have learned, little human.”

I sniff and try to think. When I speak, my voice is far more watery than I’d like.

“I’ve learned you will punish, hurt, and shame me if you see fit.”

“You have not been hurt or shamed. You have been disciplined,” he says. “And it is for your own good. You almost killed yourself by touching that power casing. And I gather you almost killed yourself deviating from your human-ordered flight path. You are disobedient, human, and disobedience will not be tolerated on this ship.”

His voice is deep and stern. He isn’t angry, not as Talon was. Talon was pissed off with me. His punishment was to lock me up alone and let me suffer with my thoughts. I don’t know which of these two approaches I hate more.

“I don’t want to be on this ship.”

“In that, you have no choice. You will determine, by your behavior, how your time here is spent. I will have you back over this bench many more times before your punishment is over. I expect to see an improvement with each and every session.”

I feel my hips start to squirm, obviously because my ass is uncomfortable, but less obviously because I can feel myself responding to his words, his presence, and his unrelenting sternness. I know human men like this. There were plenty of them in the military, men you wouldn’t fuck with. Unlike these aliens, those officers never captured me and stole me away from everything I knew, so I never crossed them. I have no choice but to keep crossing Sir and Talon and everyone else on this tub of intergalactic semen if I want to get home.

I’ll be heralded as a hero if I do make it back. I’ll be able to tell them about everything I’ve seen. Everything I’ve encountered, so I guess I should probably, on second thought, do as much seeing and encountering as possible. Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing to play along with the aliens. It would probably be a lot less painful.

“Do you understand, little human?”

“Yes, Sir.”

I feel him shift behind me. The last two strokes are yet to come, and my body is not ready. I would ask for mercy, if I thought he had any. I can only imagine what my ass looks like, how hot and red my cheeks must be.