“So you’re like, Adam to my Eve. Or no, Eve to my Adam, or no, that doesn’t really work, unless they made you out of my rib, and I think I still have all of those.”
“Last time, you took this revelation much differently,” Luca says with what looks to me like a relieved smile.
“That was last time me. This is new me. I abduct people.”
“What are you talking about?” It is Shank who interjects. “You haven’t abducted anyone.”
“As far as you know,” I reply. “Actually, I’m going to need your help for that.”
“Lyra...” Talon has his growly captain’s voice on now.
“No, I’m serious,” I say. “Before we get too far away from Earth, I need you to do something for me. One last favor.”
“One last favor,” Talon snorts. “What is that?”
“We have to pick someone up. There’s someone I want to take with us. Someone I don’t want to leave without.”
Talon’s eyes flash with anger. “You took a mate.”
“While I was unconscious? Or after I woke up on Earth and everyone thought I was a brain-damaged lunatic? No. It’s someone else who deserves a second chance.”
“We cannot allow any more human interference on this ship,” Shank says. “One human alone has thrown this vessel into chaos. I shudder what to think two would do.”
Talon is shaking his head. I’ve been wanting to ask this favor almost since I got on board, but I didn’t have the nerve. I thought they would say no. But seeing Luca, being reminded of the importance of my own kind of creature, I have to try to argue this.
“Please, Talon. I promise. If you do this for me. I will be so good...”
“Oh, for...” Shank sighs. “Don’t make promises you have no intention of keeping.”
“Shut up, Shank! I do intend to be good.”
“I can see that,” he says. “You’re displaying such impeccable behavior right now...”
“Enough,” Talon says. “We cannot return to Earth, Lyra. Your escape will no doubt have caused disruption, and we have risked human detection long enough. I’m sorry, but...”
“Please!” My voice cracks a little. “I’m sorry. But please. We have to get him.”
“Him?” Talon growls the word as a question, and my heart sinks.
“Please,” I say. “I’m just asking for this one last trip. We never have to go back after this.”
“One last trip,” Talon agrees. “And then we leave this galaxy to seek new ones. Deal?”
I think he would refuse, if he wasn’t so curious to meet this person, who he no doubt considers a rival. I’ve never seen Talon jealous, at least, not as far as I can remember. He shares me with Shank and Luca, but maybe he doesn’t really consider them competition.
“Deal,” I agree.
* * *
Iexpect to feel asense of loss, seeing Earth for the last time, but I don’t. That little blue and green globe was my birthplace, but it is not my future. I am going to go further than any other human—and I am going to take the one person I know deserves to have the same experience.
I tell Talon who I want to bring aboard. He doesn’t believe me.
“This one? You’re sure it’s this one?” He is pointing at the screen that reads humanity as a gene swarm. The particular blip I’ve selected is confusing him.
“That’s the one,” I confirm.
“This one is...”