Page 52 of Bred

I have no intention of being a good girl who goes around impressing aliens with my ability to be mindlessly compliant. Fate must have guided me back to these creatures, and for that I am grateful. I already feel more at home than I have in a long time, but this is still strange, and I am still not ready for a nap.

“You don’t want me to sleep, do you? Not really...” I look at him under my lashes in a kittenish way.

“You’re not ready for the other thing I want to do with you,” he growls. I can feel his desire for me. With the lack of memory apparently comes a fascinating lack of impulse control. I should probably be more careful, but I don’t want to be.

“I’m a bad girl now. I steal shuttles. I fuck aliens. I’m ready for anything you have for me.”

“You were always a bad girl,” he rumbles. I can see his resistance crumbling as he reaches for me and pulls me against his body. He kisses me and our bodies grind together, another moment of physical memory sparking inside me. Being held by his hugeness feels secure and sexy at the same time.

This is what I have been seeking since I woke up in that hospital. This is what I have craved and needed. This is why no human male could hold my attention, and why I couldn’t slip back into the quiet life they wanted me to lead. Some part of me must have known Talon was out here, waiting for me, this big alien whose intensity matches my own.

I squirm my hips against him, searching for whatever part of him will scratch the itch that has been building between my thighs. Something is rising inside the soft pants, something big and hard and... wait a minute.

“What is going on down there?”

He smiles and lowers the waistband of his pants to display...

“Holy. Fuck. Two. Dicks.”

He has two thick rods where I was expecting one to be, each aligned one on top of the other. I reach down and grab one in each hand, feeling the way they both pulse with vigorous heat.

“They’re real!”

“Very,” he groans, reacting to my curious grasp.

He is so perfectly strange, so goddamn hot. The muscular plane of his body ripples as I run my hands over his cocks and then I can’t resist having a taste.

I don’t know if I’ve done this before, but the way the massive alien captain groans when my lips touch his top cock makes me think I might not have done. I run my lips over the flared head of the top one and then pull my mouth away and go for the second. He seems to be even more sensitive there. The sound he makes is animalistic, and I feel his massive hand clawing at my hair, scrunching it up into a powerful grip that he uses to pull my mouth down on that lower cock and then up and onto the top one. Back and forth, one cock at a time, a stroke or two and then another stroke until both of them are absolutely throbbing between my lips.

This is nothing but foreplay, and foreplay is too little for us. We have been separated by space, time, and memory. It will take a lot to return what was ours, and the hard rod inside my mouth is expanding between my lips much like the way his body did when it was first freed from his armor. He is big. Maybe too big, but it is too late to turn back now.

“I have to have you,” he growls, letting go of my hair and reaching for my hips. He flips me onto my back and pulls my ass up toward him. It’s then that I realize his dual cocks fit my physiology much better than I expected. One finds my pussy, and the other presses against my ass. It is slightly shorter than the top cock, which means he is inside my sex an inch or so before the other one begins to breach the barrier of my ass.

Is this what I do now? Get fucked in the pussy and ass at the same time? Surrender my holes to a powerful creature who handles me with a lust that would be frightening if I had the sense to feel fear? So much was taken from me, I don’t remember it going, but I know that it is gone.

I should be quivering with fright, begging him to go slow, telling him that I can’t take him, but all that emerges from me is a long, low moan.

He is an incredible sight, that massive body looming over me, my pussy lips spread around his hard rod, the second one surging in, entering my bottom with surprising ease. I do not remember him, but my ass does. My muscles relax as he slides in, pushing firmly and slowly until my bottom and pussy are both stretched around him.

“I missed you,” he says, his voice husky with desire as he leans closer, coming down on top of me, drawing closer, going deeper, making me his all over again.

Suddenly, I remember. Not everything. Hardly anything. But him. I know him. I know these nebula blue eyes. I know the heart that beats in this muscular chest. I know these cocks now surging inside me with passionate, slow strokes. I know I am safe. I know I am truly home.

“I missed you,” I moan as he sinks all the way inside. I can tell he is being careful. He could break me so easily, but he doesn’t want to. I am delicate compared to him, and no matter how impressive his lust, he is making sure I am not hurt.

“You’re remembering?” He asks the question as he stills.

“Don’t stop! Fuck me,” I moan, grinding my hips up against his cocks, taking him deeper. I need this. I need him. Faint scraps of memory are enough, because this incredible present moment is everything. I am wrapped in his arms, I am filled with him. My flesh and his are joined, and I know I am where I am supposed to be.

At first our lovemaking is gentle reconnection. Talon is careful to ensure that both my holes are able to take his girth and power, but he clearly does not intend on holding back forever.

The more I buck my hips and grind myself against him, the more he responds until his body is pounding into mine, ravaging my human flesh with those alien rods of his, pulling up and holding me down by my arms while he slams in and out of me as hard and as fast as I can take, stretching and pounding my frail human form with his massive alien strength.

I love every moment of it. He feels perfect inside me, and though there is no way I could have been designed to take him, I feel as though I have been made for him. My sex is swollen with lust as raw pleasure rips through me and I scream it to the heavens that surround us.

“I love you so much,” Talon growls, slamming himself inside me, working through my orgasm, making it roll on and on, my tight ass and pussy clenching him as he uses me like a little fucking flesh puppet. “I will never let you go again... you...”

Whatever he was going to say is lost in a roar of orgasmic release, his hips slamming down against me, his cocks filling both sensitive holes with his flesh and hot jets of his seed. He wraps his arms around me, pulls me against his body and rolls onto his back, breathing as if he just ran a marathon, holding me so tightly I can barely breathe. This is what I need, this is the welcome my soul has been craving since I woke alone in that hospital.