Page 16 of Bred

“I do not,” Shank admits. “However, after repeated treatments...”

“She could be actually crazy? We know there are many species who do not do well in captivity. Humans may very well be among them.”

“She would likely do better with company,” Shank agrees. “But punishment is punishment, and I have already told her what hers will be. If we change it now...”

“I’m the captain, Army McArms. It’s my prerogative to change my mind.”

Shank looks pained at my use of her term for him. “Captain...”


“It’s clear you have a fondness for this human. I would suggest you do not let it impede your judgement. She may be somewhat amusing and attractive, but she also poses a clear and present danger to those on board this ship.”

“I haven’t forgotten that, Shank. Don’t worry.”

* * *


Two days have passed. I have received nutritional supplements every five hours during my waking periods, which are determined by lights that go on and off outside of my control. My ass still aches a little, though the worst of the discomfort has subsided.

At what is apparently the appointed hour, the door slides opens. My mood lifts, even though I know nothing good is going to come of this. I’m going to be punished again, then probably put back in here to wait for the next one, but just not being alone is something of a relief.

Sir is standing there. As is Talon. Both of these strange alien males step into my room, Sir moving around to stand behind me. Talon stays in front of me. I can’t help staring at him; he’s so handsome, and so brutally strange at the same time.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you again, Captain.” I break the silence, because it’s making me nervous.

“Tell me what you’ve learned,” he says sternly.

Oh, fuck. What have I learned? What could I possibly say?

“Well, er. I learned that messing with the ship makes you really angry and gets me locked up and...” I can’t even say what Sir did to me, it’s too damn embarrassing.


“And punished with his belt,” I say. “I’ve learned that you’ll hit me if I’m bad.”

“There are physical consequences for reckless behavior, not nearly as painful or as dangerous as the consequences of what you did.”

I bow my head and nod. I’m not stupid enough to start an argument now. I’m feeling very relieved that he came to see me, and I’m hoping that this means I’m going to get some kind of reprieve, though that might be hoping for too much.

“Take those clothes off,” Sir orders. His voice is curt and cold and it makes me bristle with rebellion.

I don’t want to take them off. The thin fabric is my only protection from their hungry, stern male gazes.

“Off, little human,” Talon says, making a flicking motion with his finger. “Let’s not make this worse than it needs to be.”

“I’d like to keep it on, please.”

“This is punishment,” he reminds me. “For almost killing yourself and disabling an entire deck of this ship. Take it off. Now.”

There’s steel in his voice, and the promise of much worse happening if I don’t remove the garment. My fingers go to the fastenings and I start to unsnap them one at a time, my reluctance growing as my skin is exposed, first a flash of breast, then of stomach.

I do it as slowly as I can, but I can’t put the inevitable off forever. The top slides over my shoulders and down to my waist and then the entire suit slips down like a second skin, peeling away from my flesh until I am as physically naked as I emotionally feel.

They both look at me. I can’t take my eyes off the bright blue of Talon’s gaze, even as Sir walks around behind me. I am looking at the captain with a helpless, pleading stare. He is the one who decides everything in my life, from what I get to eat to where I get to sleep, and where I end up living. He could set me free at any moment, but I don’t see any chance of that in his eyes.

Last time I saw him, he was disgusted with my behavior. I thought there was a real chance I wouldn’t see him again, that I’d been eternally delegated to the tall sadist who is now behind me.