Staring at me in shock, her mouth falls open and she lets out a strangled sob as she tries to talk through it.
Unlocking her phone, I don’t bother scrolling to his name and directly type in his number. The screen pops up for FaceTime and I turn the phone to her pale face as it begins to ring. Aliana’s picture goes to the top of the screen as he answers.
“You know you’re not supposed to be calling me right now,” my father growls as his angry, flawless face appears on the screen. “Do you need a reminder of how bad girls are punished?”
Aliana’s hands are bloody as she holds the superficial wound on her neck. She cries out as she starts to hyperventilate.
“What the fuck?” Luca barks into the phone. “What the fuck is going on?”
Aliana’s sobbing continues on the screen as my father lets out a string of curse words.
“You took something of mine, so I came to take something of yours,” I whisper into the speaker, keeping the camera on Aliana’s face.
My father’s eyes squint as he lets out a harsh laugh and smirks. “You ignorant, entitled, little fuck. You always think you know everything, but you’re fucking clueless, Kai.”
“I know you have her.”
Luca chuckles again and shakes his head. “Oh, Kai… when will you see how powerless you are in this world.” Luca takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes. “That bitch can easily be replaced, and honestly, you’re doing me a favor by getting rid of her. It’s a shame that you’re royally fucking Anthony over like this.”
“You’re next,” I whisper harshly.
My father’s eyes are sinister as he gives me a wicked grin. “If you want to play an eye for an eye, I have no problem turning the whole world blind if it means ending you.”
“I’m done playing your games,Father.” I sneer as I grab Aliana’s hands and pull them from her throat. Luca’s eyes widen as he takes in the superficial cut and it registers that I didn’t cut her throat.
“There is no eye for a fucking eye. There is you taking what is mine and me killing you for it.” I pause and smile at him. “And think again about me doing you a favor. Your bitch is still breathing.” I abruptly end the call and toss the phone to the floor beside Aliana. “You got off easy,” I admit, glaring at her as I stand up. “I should have killed you, but maybe that would have been too simple.”
Straightening my clothes, I shrug at her as a tear rolls from the corner of her eye. “I’m sure he’ll be here soon, and it won’t be long before you’re dead anyway. And, as much as I’d love to stay and watch, I have better things to do and better places to be.”
Without another word, I step over her and make my way to the front door as she begins coughing behind me. Ignoring her, I slip outside and climb back into my car. The roads are dark as I whip my car down the streets, knowing exactly where I’m going.
I’m going back to where this all started, back to where Dahlia became my world.
Dahlia is my ending and she’s where I’m going… even if my ending means my death.
So, this is the end of the road for me.
I was brought here to die.
My past finally caught up to me and they were going to finish what they had started.
I always imagined that this day would come, the one where Luca finally tied up all his loose ends. He’s a smart, calculated man… it’s a wonder that it took him this long.
He isn’t my knight in shining armor—he’s my dark prince in an Armani suit.
Or is he?
Kai plays a much bigger role in this than I know.
He has to.
My life wasn’t complicated until he came barreling back into it. I let my guard down because of him and look at where it got me… I’m where I should have died before.
Whether it be destiny or fate, this place is where I was born and it’s only right for this to be where I die.