“I won’t say anything,” she whispers as she reaches for the doorknob. “You have my word.”
Narrowing my eyes at her, I slowly nod. “I hope for your sake, you’re right.”
The woman swallows hard as she pulls the door open and steps out onto the front porch. She pauses and glances over her shoulder at me. “There’re handcuffs in the top drawer of the dresser in the master suite.”
I smile to myself as the woman softly closes the front doorand disappears into the night. This is all panning out exactly how we needed it to.
You’re welcome, Dahlia, for the fucking guidance.
Shit… Dahlia.
Movement catches my attention from the corner of my eye.
“What the fuck?” Dexter chokes out as he stirs on the floor, lifting his head in confusion. “Kai?” he questions, narrowing his eyes as I crouch downby his head.
“Hey Dex.” I smile. “Guess whose turn it is now?”
His brow furrows in confusion as he glares at me. “What have you done?”
“What I should have done a long time ago,” I admit and drive the butt of my gun into his temple. Dexter’s head falls back onto the floor with a thud as he’s knocked out again.
Sprinting across the room, I take the steps two at a time as I bound upstairs. “Dahlia!” I call out as I land in the hallway. “There are handcuffs in the—”
“Bedroom,” Dahlia cuts me off as she steps into the hall from a room, with the cuffs dangling from her finger. A playful smile plays on her lips as her green irises dance in excitement.
She walks to me, grabbing my arm and leads me back down the stairs.
“I fucking love you,” I confess, taking her hand in mine. “What would I do without you?”
Dahlia stops and looks back at me. “You’d survive.” She shrugs with indifference. “That’s what we do. We’re survivors. We survive.”
Turning around, she leadsme back down to Dexter with her words ringing in my ears.
She’s right… we are survivors.
But I wouldn’t survive in a world where she doesn’t exist.
Whipping his Aston Martin around the sharp turns, he guns it down the dark winding roads. We drive far away from civilization until we’re pulling off of the paved road. Kai slowly drives down the gravel driveway like he gives a shit about his car before slowing to a stop.
“Stay out here while I go in,” he demands as he puts the car in park and turns it off.
He throws open his car door, but I grab his arm before he has the chance to slip out.
“Fuck that,” I scowl. “We’re both in this, you don’t get to shut me out.”
Kai drops back in his seat and turns to glare at me. “I’m going to see how much of Stan the rats ate before we all go in there.”
My hand falls from his arm as I bring it to rest in my lap as I hang my head. Chewing on my bottom lip, I keep my eyes on the carpeted floor of the car.
“Like I said,” Kai grinds out in annoyance, “stay here while I go in the barn.”
With my pride nonexistent and having my ass handed to me, I give him a curt nod without looking at him.
Kai climbs out of the car and leans down, sticking his head back inside. “Pick your fucking head up and pull your tail out from between your legs. Inferiority doesn’t look good on you,bambolina.”
With that, he swiftly slams the door shut, leaving me alone in the car as it begins to rock back and forth. I’m pretty sure that our surprise guest in the trunk isn’t too happy right now.