It was short and sweet and over before we knew it. Saying goodbye wasn’t as easy as I expected but we both knew that it was the right thing for her.
Dahlia was quiet and left with rushed words and a heavy heart. I know that it hit her harder than she planned, regardless of right and wrong.
After saying my goodbyes and trying to make light of the situation, I follow after Dahlia, feeling the heaviness in every step I take.
She’s safe here. She’s loved and they take care of her. I have to trust that they will protect her, no matter what.
“Will you guys come visit me again?” Her tiny voice is hopeful as it floats across the room, following me to the door.
Turning back to face her, my knuckles turn white as I tighten my grip on the doorknob and plaster on a smile and nod. “We will.”
If only she knew, if only we could take her with us…
Mia’s smile is bright, shining across her tired face as she gives me a satisfied smile and closes her eyes.
When the time is right, we will be back… one day.
“Hello?” Tierney answers hesitantly.
“Hey, T.”
She gasps loudly into the phone. “Dali? Where the fuck have you been, girl?”
“It’s a long fucking story.” I chuckle lightly.
“I got all the time in the world, baby.” She hits me with the seductive voice that she uses on the men at the club. “Are you busy right now? I can meet you somewhere if you want to meet up.”
Looking over at Kai, my eyes trail up his body as he stands by the glass window, watching the planes. “I can’t.” I pause. “I’m leaving New York, T.”
“What the fuck?” Tierney breathes and then she falls silent for a moment. “Are you with him?” She asks quietly.
“I am.” I smile.
“Are you good with him?”
Kai glances over and his eyes meet mine with a smile. “I am,” I tell her, smiling back at Kai.
“If he fucks up, he’s done, Dali. I don’t give a shit who he is… I’ll fucking end him.”
I laugh out loud and shake my head. I can see her now, with her face red and her eyes wild. “I know you will.” Tierney doesn’t fuck around.
Tierney sighs as the somberness of me calling her hangs in the air. “I have questions, so many questions, but they can all wait. Let me know when you get wherever it is that you’re going, so I know you’re safe. Okay?”
“Of course,” I tell her, honestly. “After we get settled, you’ll have to come visit.”
“Better be somewhere warm,” she mumbles and I laugh.
“I need one other favor.”
I swear I hear her eyes roll through the phone. “Of course you do. Lay it on me, sister.”
“Tell Vin that I’m not coming back.”
“You’re kidding,” Tierney scoffs. “You can’t call him yourself?”