Page 72 of Reactant

Quinn touched his shoulder, and Sebastian turned instantly, burying his face in Quinn’s chest. He needed Quinn’s strength as much as he needed to not look into his eyes and see whatever was there.

Quinn wrapped warm arms around him, holding him tightly. His breath whispered across Sebastian’s temple, and hands ran up and down his back.

“It’s all right,” Quinn said. He kissed Sebastian’s forehead.

“Is it?” Sebastian said, muffled in Quinn’s shirt.

“I liked it, Sebastian. If you’d wanted to do more, we would have all been there with you.” Quinn’s hand came up to grip the back of his neck firmly. “When he asked me to have sex with him on the way here… I almost said yes, Seb. I never would have, of course, but ‘almost’ was too close.”

“No,” Sebastian interrupted. He lifted his head, losing himself in Quinn’s grey eyes. “No. There’s something about him…” It was different.Thiswas different. He couldn’t begin to explain it to himself, let alone someone else, but he couldn’t let Quinn feel like he was alone in it.

“There is,” Quinn agreed. “We’ve all felt it.” He kissed Sebastian softly, sure and steady. A rock that Sebastian desperately needed. More than he needed to breathe. “No matter where we go from here, no matter who with, I’m going to be at your side. No hesitation. We don’t have to repeat history. We can create a new future. Together.”

“I don’t deserve that.”

Quinn caressed Sebastian’s jaw, making him shiver. “You always deserved that.” A kiss to his chin had Sebastian letting out a shaky breath. “It’s okay to want him.”

Sebastian swallowed around the sudden lump in his throat. “I don’t know if I want to punch him or kiss him.”

Quinn’s lips ghosted over the corner of his mouth. “Well, I think you answered that for yourself…”

Sebastian could hear the smirk in his voice. It was deserved. Sebastian had walked into that. “What are we doing? I thought it was crazy enough to bring Peyton and Will into this, but now Jericho? Are we just going to keep adding until we have a basketball team?”

“Hmm.” Quinn kissed the corner of his mouth properly. “How many people are on a basketball team?” he mused.

A laugh slipped out. “I don’t know!”

“Maybe we should find out before we decide,” Quinn said.

Sebastian tried to find the information somewhere in the plethora of useless knowledge he carried around with him. How long had it been since he’d even seen a basketball game? His best friend’s brother Gabe—and his brother’s best friend, just to add to that mindfuck—was an MMA fighter who fought in the UFC, so if he tuned in, then that’s what he went to. It was hard to focus when Quinn was marking up his neck, though.

“Further down,” Sebastian said breathlessly.

Quinn made a questioning noise against his skin.

“Below”—his breath hitched when Quinn nibbled and licked—“below the collar. Monica and Caleb—they—” Fuck, thinking was hard.

Whatever. He clasped the back of Quinn’s head and encouraged him to keep going even as he worked on Quinn’s belt buckle one-handed. Why the fuck was it so difficult to get undone?

“We should—” Quinn cut off when their mouths met, and the only sounds for a long moment were the wet press of their lips and their harsh breathing. Could Quinn taste Jericho on his tongue? His stomach clenched, and he pressed harder.

He wasn’t getting Quinn’s pants undone quick enough, and he slid his other hand down to help, everyclinkof the metal making him throb.

Quinn broke the kiss, and Sebastian went for Quinn’s throat, not wanting to spend one second without his lips on some part of him. He wanted to see Quinn’s tattoo, wanted to taste it again. He abandoned Quinn’s half-undone belt and quickly opened the top few buttons on Quinn’s shirt so he could get to the warm skin underneath.

“We should go back in,” Quinn gasped.

“Where?” Sebastian asked, only half listening as he licked Quinn’s collarbone and the first hint of his owl tattoo.

“We need to—” He grasped Sebastian’s chin and forced him to look up. He tried to focus on Quinn and the words he was speaking, but all he wanted to do was get to his knees and make it hard for Quinn to talk. “Sebastian.”

“What?” Sebastian swayed into him, going for another kiss. “I’m listening.”

“We need to talk about this. All of us.”

“About what?” He already knew. Maybe if he could stall for a few more minutes, he could try to collect his thoughts. Or he could distract Quinn.

“Do you want to forget that it happened?” Quinn asked quietly. “Leave it where it is?”