Page 93 of Reactant

Quinn should have expected that Sterling Anton was going to make an appearance. He usually waited until well after the fire had been put out, but there was nothing usual about anything to do with this case. Quinn was too tired to even bother asking. He didn’t care, and it didn’t matter.

“Quinn Hughes,” Sterling said in his thick, Scottish accent. “I wish I could say it was a pleasure; it never is.”

“You keep declining my invitation to get a beer,” Quinn quipped. He rubbed the back of his hand against his cheek and frowned when it came away black. He needed a shower. He’d take one at the precinct and change into a new suit.

“Maybe one day, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.” Sterling inclined his head at Grady. “It’s always a pleasure to see you, however. A tall drink of water in this landscape of fire and brimstone. I’m waiting for the invite to have a drink withyou. We can forego the beer and you can be the drink instead.”

Quinn rolled his eyes while Grady’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. He was too tired for this too.

“You do that on purpose,” Grady groused, shifting his feet uncomfortably as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Why, whatever do you mean?” Sterling asked innocently.

Quinn let out a breath and stood, closing the car door with a quiet snick. “Did you check out the apartment building last week?” There weren’t many investigators that worked for Fire and Rescue and Sterling was the one who primarily worked with homicide when things took a turn for the worse.

“It was crass and unimaginative,” Sterling said, twisting the thick platinum ring on his thumb. “Surprisingly effective.”

“Sometimes simple is best.”

“Cases like this worry me the most,” Sterling said. He stuffed a hand in his slacks. “Elaborate flashy moves indicate ego and arrogance. Ego and arrogance I can work with. They get sloppy, and they leave tracks that are easy to follow. Our modern-day Hansel and Gretel. Men like this? The method isn’t what interests them; the result does. And that’s dangerous.”

Quinn couldn’t agree more. It implied a method to the madness, and that wasnevera good sign. He was more and more convinced that the killer was either contracted or something close to it. Mix in the personal aspect and it was a dangerous combination. “If you find anything—”

“I’ll call the Ghostbusters,” Sterling replied. His mouth tipped up, and he gave Grady a once-over. His shiver was exaggerated and borderline ridiculous. “Love your work, Grady.”

Quinn pinched the bridge of his nose as Sterling left their space, moving to speak to one of the firefighters standing close by. One of them could be Peyton’s brother; Quinn had no idea. “Did you sleep with him?”

“The fuck?” Grady growled. “No! I’m with someone, remember?”

“We’ve known him longer than that,” Quinn pointed out. Most of their careers, in fact. Sterling was closer to fifty than forty, and he knew his business because he had years of experience.

“Fuck off, Q. Smarmy is your kryptonite, not mine. You want to see one of the fireys to get checked over, or do you want to get out of here?”

“I’m fine,” Quinn said. He needed some water and about fifty alcoholic drinks so he could get through the rest of this case, but he didn’t need any medical attention. “We’ll get the report later, but there won’t be anything left in the house for us to do anything with.” And he had a powerful urge to see Sebastian. To hold him, feel his heartbeat under his palms, and know that he was okay.

Quinn would tear apart the world to find the person who wanted to change that.

Sebastianpausedwithonefoot on the pavement, still half sitting in the car. He twisted to face Jericho. “You wouldn’t even let me take a piss alone, and now I can go into a building all by myself? Do I get an award for graduating to the next level or…?” Checking the bathroom before he went inside had been overkill of the highest degree, but he’d humoured Jericho.

“Yeah. The award is my dick in your mouth; you can get it later.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes even though the suggestion was perhaps a fraction appealing. Jericho did not need to know that Sebastian was getting turned on at the idea of getting on his knees for him. He had enough of an ego.

“I can see you,” Jericho said.

“I’m standing right in front of you,” Sebastian said. “Do you want the award now for most obvious statement or…?” he asked sarcastically.

Jericho spread his knees provocatively. “We could sixty-nine. I’m all about efficiency.”

“The only people who think that sixty-nining is efficient are those that have never done it,” Sebastian replied. “Or they’re doing it wrong.” It was the most over-rated sexual move in the history of sexual moves. How could he properly enjoy someone’s mouth around his dick when he had to concentrate on the dick in his mouth? No one could get the full experience out of it. He’d much rather take his time, and then have them take theirs. There was no rush.

“I have cameras everywhere. I can see when you get to the apartment. If there was someone in there waiting to do you harm, I would already know about it. William is inside, and I know he can protect you. I have an errand I need to run.”

“That’s way creepier than you seem to think it is.”

“Be thankful I don’t have them in the apartment.” His face turned thoughtful. “Though, maybe I shou—”

“No. Don’t you dare. And take the ones you already have down. It’s a violation of privacy.” Not just of theirs but everyone that lived in the building. Sebastian bet they didn’t have a permit or a warrant for any of that.