Page 57 of Reactant

The next thought came through before Quinn could put a stop to it.

Would Jericho?

Fucking hell. He needed to get some solid sleep. At least eighty years of it.

“Let go,” Quinn gritted out.

“Ask me nicely.”

Fuck. Quinn wrapped his fingers around Jericho’s wrist and applied pressure. Not as much as he’d used on the now-dead David but enough that a small jolt of pain would shoot up Jericho’s forearm.

Jericho’s nostrils flared, and he swayed forward. Quinn glanced at his lips, unable to help himself. Theme of the day, it seemed.

He jerked in surprise when Jericho’s hand touched his. He took hold of it and then coaxed it toward his pocket. Quinn let him. His fingers found purchase on the thick outline of the opening and then curled in.

The arrogant curl to Jericho’s lips shouldn’t have been appealing. Quinn had never been interested in cockiness. Even Sebastian’s confidence wasn’t like this.

He felt a piece of paper and slid it out.

Jericho glanced at Quinn’s lips, and Quinn felt like he was onfire, burning in a flurry of confusing, mixed emotions.

He stepped away from Jericho so fast that the man stumbled a little. He took it in stride, righting himself without missing a step.

The paper was folded in half, and Quinn frowned as he opened it.

His blood went cold.

Errol Derrick

Dane Howell

Chris Hennessy

Warren Boiler??

Dylan Hall

Benjamin Kenny

Alan Randall

Sebastian Devlin

The only crossed-out name was the same man that had committed “suicide” in prison. Couldn’t be a coincidence. A hit list. Fuckingperfect.

“Why are there question marks next to your fake name?” Quinn asked. He couldn’t look away from Sebastian’s name. He was a target,again,and just like last time, Quinn didn’t know why. He kept spectacularly failing to keep him safe.

“Whoever they are, they aren’t stupid. They’re slowly working out that he isn’t who he seems,” Hunter said with an edge.

“Can they find the ‘real’ you?” Whatever that meant.

“We don’t know,” Hunter admitted. “I want to say no, but the evidence speaks for itself.”

As it always did.

Quinn wanted to hide Sebastian away forever and never let him out of his sight again. He needed to talk to him. Needed toseehim. Touch him. A physical reminder that he was okay.

“We offered Sebastian our protection, and he refused it,” Hunter said.