Page 43 of Reactant

“I would never. I know what you can do with that phone.”

Parker’s mouth flopped open like a fish, red erupting across his already-blotchy cheeks. “I’m sorry about that.”

Sebastian pointed at his forehead, where his injuries were still healing. “It’s a common theme for me; no apologies needed.”

Will placed the glass of milk in front of Parker and gave Sebastian a stern look. “Some habits should be broken.”

Sebastian just hummed, which Will didn’t think was a sufficient answer.

“So, what’s doomed?” Quinn asked as he gathered the cards and reshuffled them. He didn’t hand them out, so it must have been just to do something with his hands. Will vaguely recognised the diversionary tactic.

“They’re married,” Parker burst out, a tinge of anger to his gaze. “So, it’s stupid, right?”

“You’re speaking in riddles, Park,” Peyton said. “Try adding some exposition in there.”

“I’m seeing a married couple.”

“Yeah, you said that the other week,” Peyton said. “Did they break up with you? I can go egg their house if you want. Write their phone number on public toilet stalls.”

“Please don’t do that,” Quinn said with long-suffering resignation.

“We did that with Quinn’s number, once,” Sebastian piped up.

They all turned to stare at him in surprise. Sebastian smiled, showing teeth as if his statement had been perfectly normal.

“What?” Will asked first.

“Put his number on the stall. After a week, he had to change his number.”

“… why?” Peyton asked, frowning in confusion.

“Just to see.” Sebastian shrugged. “Some of the invitations were creative.”

Quinn sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’re getting off topic. Please continue, Parker.”

“They didn’t break up with me. It’s not—we’re not like that. We haven’t had, you know, ‘the talk,’ because there’s nothing to talk about. It’s them, and then I’m a fun toy.”

“Did they say that to you?” Peyton asked, his voice deepening as his eyes narrowed. Lust pooled in Will’s belly. “Because that’s fucked up.”

“They didn’t. Would you stop being allgrrr, please?”

Will snorted out a laugh. Peyton gave him a look, and he stifled it.

“It’s just that, you know, they’re married.”

“You’ve said that three times now,” Peyton said.

“Well, it’s important! They have this whole history, this amazing love that they share, you know? And I’m just… I’m new, and so where do I fit?”

Will shifted on his seat, sinking further down, worrying his lip between his teeth.Where do I fit?That was a question that he was intimately familiar with. And he didn’t have an answer for himself, yet, either.

“Shouldn’t you maybe ask them?” Peyton asked.

“Communication in that sort of situation is important,” Quinn said. “If that is how they feel, and you’re not someone that they intend to integrate with, then it’s a discussion you need to have sooner than later. You need to know where you stand, so you can make an informed decision based on that knowledge.”

“I…” Parker wiped his nose with his sleeve. “I guess you’re right. I just keep thinking about what happens when they throw me away, you know? Stupid. It was just something fun to start with. It wasn’t supposed to—I wasn’t supposed to catch feelings. What if I tell them, and they kick me to the kerb?”

“Then I kickthem,” Peyton suggested darkly.