Peyton burst into a laugh. “I don’t think that counts in the shower.”
“I assure you, it does.” It probably didn’t. Sebastian didn’t care.
“Are you my nurse?” Peyton’s smile was wicked.
“It’s like playing doctor, but better.” Sebastian grimaced. “Actually, no. My sister is a nurse, so that makes this weird.”
Peyton bit his bottom lip, and Sebastian knew he was trying not to laugh again.
Sebastian tugged at a strand of his wet hair. “Imp.”
The soap was fancy, and Sebastian was pretty sure it wasgoatmilk. He was starting to suspect the bathroom had been stocked by one of Quinn’s three sisters. They’d been possessive of their brother when Sebastian had known them before, and considering who they were—and who their grandmother was—he doubted much had changed. He was surprised he hadn’t seen any of them around yet. He didn’t know if he was dreading it or looking forward to it. Or a strange version of both.
He took his time cleaning every inch of Peyton’s soft skin, exploring every muscle and curve. It was clear his strength had come from hard work, not a gym regime. Maybe he kept it up with a gym regime now, but it’s not how his body had been honed into what it was currently. His muscle definition was beautiful; he was a warrior from head to toe. He wasn’t big in abuiltway, but he was sculpted, tight, and stunning.
The bathroom door opened, and Will’s head popped in, a cheeky grin on his handsome face. “Pancakes are ready,” he said. “Are you two having sex? I can put some in the oven for you. If there are any left.”
“Don’t hog the pancakes,” Peyton protested. “That’s unfair.”
“I could probably leave one or two,” Will said reluctantly.
Peyton laughed, and it sounded more carefree and lighter than it had all evening. “Okay, we’re coming!” he said loudly.
“Figuratively or literally?” Will asked. “And can I watch?”
Sebastian blinked. “Well, literally,” he said, “but in the sense that we’ll join you in the kitchen, not in the sense that we’re having an orgasm.”
“You could watch if we were, though,” Peyton added.
Will beamed, but the heat in his gaze was unmistakeable. “Rain check?”
“We aren’t having sex,” Sebastian said patiently. “So ithasto be a rain check.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes, that’s a yes.” Sebastian couldn’t help the laugh that broke free. Will was a breath of fresh air he had no idea how he’d lived without.
“Cool.” The door closed, and Will’s steady steps receded as he walked away.
Sebastian’s lips curled. “Let me wash out the conditioner first.”
“Good call.”
Sebastian breathed in the scent of tea tree and Peyton as he rinsed the last of the conditioner out. Peyton’s hair was smooth now, like silk running through his fingers.
He shut the water off and pressed his lips to Peyton’s forehead, remaining locked together for a moment.
No matter what had happened yesterday, they were all still here, and it was over.
Chapter Three
QuinnHughesscrunchedhiseyes tighter at the sound of ringing. It sounded awfully like his phone, and he wasn’t ready to get up yet. He shifted, his movements restricted by Will and Sebastian bracketing him.
Will sighed in his sleep and turned over, nuzzling his face into Quinn’s chest. Quinn settled his hand on the back of his head and stroked it lightly. Will made a small noise and then twisted an arm up, resting his cheek on the back of his hand. He mumbled, “Don’t put the pineapple on my pancake,” his warm breath tickling Quinn’s abdomen.
Quinn’s mouth quirked as he stared down at the tall man. His feet were poking out the end of the blanket; it was hard enough keeping his six-foot six frame under the sheets to begin with and damn near impossible when he shuffled down the bed during the night.
The ringing continued, destroying the illusion that it was part of his dream and not the intrusion of reality. Quinn knew he needed to answer it before everyone woke up. He spied his phone on the nightstand, and he twisted, curving one arm around Will’s back to keep him secure as he used the other to reach out for it.