Page 82 of Third Time Lucky

He kissed Lake harder, and there was a second of worry that he was being too rough, hurting him too much, but Lake only moaned and pressed closer, his erection rubbing against Grady’s thigh.

“Take me inside and fuck me,” Lake whispered against his mouth.

Grady wouldn’t do that, because Lake was far too impaired for Grady to feel like he wasn’t taking advantage, regardless of how much Lake said he wanted it. He didn’t think he could ever stop himself from kissing Lake’s beautiful lips but having sex with him while he was this plastered was a line Grady wouldn’t cross.

Lake stumbled on nothing as they headed inside and leaned heavily on Grady as Grady closed the front door behind them.

“How much did you have to drink?” Grady asked dryly.

“Not sure,” Lake said, beaming up at him. “Vodka with blackcurrant juice tastes great.”

Not being able to give a number was answer enough, really. “Come on,” Grady cajoled gently. “Time for some water and bed.”

“I think there’s whiskey in the cupboard!” Lake said loudly. He spun and tripped and only Grady’s quick reflexes stopped him from face planting. Lake laughed and twisted, flinging himself into Grady’s arms. “Hi.”

“Hi. No more alcohol.”

Lake frowned. Then brightened. “It’s not as good as yours anyway.”

Grady stopped Lake from going any further when he saw the broken glass all over the kitchen floor. That must have been the sound he’d heard.

“Sit here,” Grady said, depositing Lake on one of the dining chairs. He was only wearing a pair of loose light-grey sweatpants and no shoes or socks. He crouched in front of Lake and checked his feet just in case he’d walked through it and cut himself and not realised it.

They were undamaged, and Lake laughed, his feet twitching as Grady’s fingers ran across the underside.


Grady kissed Lake’s ankle and then stood. He got Lake a bottle of water from the fridge, careful when stepping over and around the glass—at least he was wearing thick shoes that glass wouldn’t get through—and made sure Lake was drinking it before he started cleaning up.

It took a while to get everything in order, and for Lake to drink the bottle, because the little chit kept stopping every few sips to say something—half of which Grady couldn’t make sense of—and fling his arms around. Grady had to stop and encourage him to keep drinking before going back to sweeping and cleaning the floor. A lot of the water seemed to find its way onto the wooden floor as well, but Grady was satisfied with the amount that Lake had actually managed to drink by the time everything was clean, and he was ready to get Lake into bed.

Getting Lake undressed and into bed turned out to be a whole other beast.

“I like you,” Lake said to him as Grady pulled back the covers. He didn’t seem to understand what Grady was trying to do, because he grabbed at the hem of his sweatpants to keep them there while Grady was trying to get them off.

“If you liked me, you’d be helping me,” Grady muttered.

Lake lifted a leg suddenly, almost kneeing Grady in the face.

“Jesus,” Grady cursed, grabbing Lake’s leg to stop it from moving. “What are you doing?”

“Helping. Here. My foot,” he said, wriggling his foot in circular motions in front of Grady’s face.

Grady smiled, amusement rather than irritation pricking at him. “I don’t need your feet, sweetheart. I need you to take your pants off.”

“Oh.” Lake beamed. “Are we going to have sex now?”


Lake finally cooperated, and he was only in his black briefs when Grady managed to convince him that, yes, getting into the bed was the best idea.

Finally, Lake was in place, and Grady slid into the bed beside him, stretching out on his side, one hand on Lake’s belly. Lake twisted to face him, clasping Grady’s hand in his, his head on the pillow. His hazel-brown eyes were glassy and bright.

“Did you know,” Lake said, his voice barely above a whisper, “that you can’t touch your nose with your tongue?”

“I did not know that,” Grady replied, no idea why he was whispering too. He remembered Lake mentioning it in regards to being pulled over by the police. He was doubly glad that an officer hadn’t asked him to do it, if it wasn’t even possible to do sober.

Lake stuck out his tongue, and his eyes went cross-eyed as he stretched it up towards his nose.