“What if she’s nuts?” Marsha asks.

“Then she’s nuts, but she’s mine either way,” I reply, shrugging.

“Yeah, okay, that sounds nice.”

“Marsha, trust me. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.”

“Does she know?”

“Know what?”

“That you love her?”

‘Oh, hell no. I don’t want to scare her away.

The three of us have a good laugh at that and then head into the kitchen with the rest of the family.

She didn’t contradict me when I said she was my fiancee, but can I get her to actually stay?



After making love all night, I’m walking a little funny, but it was so worth it. He dropped me off at the office. I’m going to be driving to his place after grabbing some clean clothes from my house on my lunch break. The work on the Causeway is starting tomorrow night, and he has to get everything ready for that; otherwise, he’d be picking me up himself.

We still haven’t talked about the elephant in the room. He told his sisters that I was his fiancee. Truth be told, I loved it. I knew within seconds of texting him that he was going to be special to me. Meeting him told me everything I needed to know about him.

The office is blessedly quiet today, and I am glad for that. I barrel through invoices and payments before lunch. At lunch, I go home and find my mother watching daytime tv.

“Hey, Mama,” I say cheerily.

“Don’t “hey Mama” me, Belle Celeste Fisher. Where were you last night? Your measly going to a friend's text didn’t tell me anything.”

“Oh, sorry about that.”

“Come here,” she demands, and I move to stand in front of her. “You look different. Oh, my God, you met him, didn’t you?” I love how well she knows me. She’s literally my best friend. I know that I can tell her absolutely anything, and she won’t judge me, at least not out loud. She’s still my mom; there’s always a little judgment.

“Uh-huh,” I say, nodding. I want to tell her every amazing detail of last night, but some things are meant just for me to relish for the rest of my life. And I will be relishing it. I squirm because just the thought of him inside me again is enough to get me going. My already ruined panties are soaked again.

“Sit,” she says, patting the couch next to her. “Tell me everything, well, not everything.”

“He’s amazing. I work with him, kinda. He’s a welder and so big. Like strong, you know. Handsome, God, he’s hot. He’s amazing. He’s raised five sisters, Mama. Five. He’s going to be such a good dad.”

“Raised? How old is he?”

“Thirty-three,” I reply. There’s no point in lying to her. She’s a human lie detector.

“Oh, Belle. That’s old.”

“No, it’s not, Mama. He’s perfect. I love him,” I tell her, hoping she doesn’t think I’m crazy. I don’t think she will since she fell in love with Papa when she was seven years old or something like that. She waited for him, and he waited for her. My aunt and uncle are the same way.

“Ah, well, there’s that. Our family, well, when we fall in love, we fall hard and fast.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that. I’ve got to get back to work, and then I’m going to his place. It’s in New Orleans,” I tell her.

“You say that like it’s a million miles away. It’s only an hour-ish.”

“I know. I’ve got to get some clothes for tomorrow.”