He let her words settle on him a moment. “Ididsee a Post-It Note with ‘The Missing Girls of Dalton Highway’ scribbled on it.”

A new light filled Simmy’s gaze. “Maybe that was what he was going to cover on his podcast next season. Maybe in the process of investigating, he found that bracelet.”

“But he never mentioned it to you?” Duke studied her gaze, desperation for answers bubbling inside him.

Simmy reached across the table and squeezed his hand. “No, I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you something. I really do.”

“So do I.” Duke’s jaw tightened as a headache began to pulse at his temples. Because Craig was dead . . . and he may have taken those answers to the grave with him.”

* * *

Andi tried to squelch her curiosity over the conversation Duke and Simmy were having. It looked personal, and she itched to lean closer and hear more. But she didn’t.

If Duke wanted to tell her something, he would. The man didn’t owe her anything.

Besides, if he shared secrets with her, then she might be expected to reciprocate.

She couldn’t do that.

Finally, Trooper Gibson came back inside. Based on the grim look on his face, he didn’t have good news.

“We’re still searching for evidence about what happened to my colleague,” he started, his voice nearly hoarse with emotion. “More backup is on the way, and I need to wait for more troopers to arrive. In the meantime, everyone is free to carry on. But stay inside. Please.”

Soon after his announcement, the group decided it would be best if they all went to bed and got some rest.

Simmy promised to keep the door locked and said if anyone rang the bell, she’d wake up Duke before answering.

Then Andi settled into a little room no bigger than a large closet. A cot stretched along one wall, and a small table made out of pallets had been shoved into another corner. A community bathroom was down the hallway.

As she lay on the lumpy mattress, her mind whirled, and sleep remained a distant urge.

She remained there for two hours, her thoughts haunting her, before she decided she couldn’t take it anymore.

She threw her blankets off and pulled on a sweatshirt and boots.

Then she wandered into the cafeteria.

To her surprise, someone else sat on one of the couches, a computer in his lap.


Her eyes narrowed when she saw him.

Ofcourse, he was awake also.

But as she soaked in his broad shoulders, wool sweater, and wavy hair, she felt a surprising rush of attraction.

Today, he’d proven himself to be polite yet manly.

He wasn’t like Skeeter. Or Victor.

Maybe—just maybe—Andi could trust this man.

He didn’t look all that surprised to see her either.

“I made some coffee,” he muttered as he nodded toward the counter. “It’s military grade, but it’s warm.”

“I can make any cup of coffee taste good.”