Duke had no idea, but his gut knotted as a better image of this guy formed in his mind.

Henrietta’s killer wasn’tjusta killer. He was twisted.

Why else would he go through all this trouble?

Duke didn’t stop to make sure there was nothing else. He could only assume the trooper had picked up the threatening note that had been left.

He trudged through the snow, sinking with each step. Thick flakes clung to his eyelashes as he walked toward the state police SUV. The engine was still running, the headlights on. The blue emergency lights still spun on top.

When he reached it, he expected someone to roll the window down.

But there were no signs of movement.

He used his gloved hand to clear the snow from the glass.

The vehicle was empty.

More tension slithered up his spine.

Something was wrong, wasn’t it?

As the hair on his neck seemed to stand, he glanced around.

But he didn’t see anything.

Not that he’d be able to in these conditions.

Still, he didn’t like the feeling in his gut.

He jogged back toward the snow machine, afraid this had been a ruse.

“What’s wrong?” Andi shouted over the wind as she raised the shield over her eyes.

“No one’s here.”

“Do you think they went to the trading post?”

His jaw tightened as he turned in that basic direction. “There’s no reason for the trooper to leave his vehicle running here when he could have driven.”

He couldn’t see Andi’s face through the helmet, but he could only imagine the horror that must be on her features. No doubt, it matched his own.

Before the snow covered any tracks, he glanced at the ground around them, looking for any signs indicating what may have happened.

A set of footprints cut through the snow.

Heading toward the trading post.

Duke knelt beside them as something else caught his eye.

With his gloved hand, he reached down and scooped up some snow, bringing it closer to his face.

He couldn’t be sure . . . but that almost looked as if it was . . .



Andi climbedoff the snow machine and joined Duke.