“What are you doing?” Duke demanded.

“I’m not going to sell this to an online outlet or anything if that’s what you’re thinking.” She scowled at him. “I just want a few photos . . . just in case I need to remember any of details.”

“Please don’t tell me that you’re thinking about looking into Craig’s death.” Duke had to work hard to keep the irritation from his voice. “You’re not some wannabe armchair detective, are you?”

Irritation glimmered in her eyes. “I’m not a wannabe armchair detective, thank you very much. Even if I wanted to be, it wouldn’t be any of your business. I’ll have you know—”

As a sound caught Duke’s ear, he put a finger over his lips, motioning for her to be quiet.

Andi stopped midsentence and mouthed, “What?”

As the noise sounded again, she froze.

She’d heard it too.

It almost sounded like . . . someone was outside.

Stomping up the steps.

And about to come into the house.


As a defense attorney,Andi had been in precarious situations before.

But right now, her heart tried to pound out of her chest.

What had that noise been? What if the killer was back?

“Stay here.” Duke’s shoulders seemed to grow wider as he stepped toward the door, gun in hand.

She scrambled behind him. “I’m going with you. No way am I staying here by myself.”

He opened his mouth to argue but then shut it again. “Fine. But stay behind me.”

There he went being a chauvinist again. Or was it chivalrous? She wasn’t quite sure. Andi wished she didn’t have such a chip on her shoulder. She knew her reasoning was ridiculous at times.

If people only understood what she’d been through, then they might grasp why she acted the way she did.

Then again, she didn’t need to explain herself to anyone. She usually regretted it if she did.

Slowly, they crept toward the front door. Reaching it, Duke pressed himself against the wall beside it and raised his gun.

Almost as if he’d done this before.

There was clearly more to Duke McAllister than Andi had assumed.

He nudged the curtain covering the door’s window aside just an inch and peered out.

Snow stared back.

He frowned and let out a sigh. “I’m going to look outside.”

Panic raced through Andi at the thought of Duke leaving her in this house alone . . . well, alone with Craig’s dead body. “Is that a good idea? What if the killer is waiting on the other side of the door? What if he stabs you also?”

He gave her a look. “I’ll be careful.”

“There were no hesitation marks,” she blurted.