With his hand on her arm, they darted toward the headlights.
A moment later, Andi opened the door and dove into the back seat of the SUV.
She desperately hoped no one inside had been hurt.
Was the gunman the same man who’d been in the middle of the road?
Had he hidden and then opened fire?
Nothing made sense, especially considering the conditions out here.
Andi glanced up. A twentysomething man sat beside her in the back of the SUV, his eyes wide as he hugged his laptop and crouched low in the seat.
The woman in the front seat screamed but still held her camera phone in the air. “Wait . . . what’s going on? Are we going to die? This isn’t the way I thought things would end!”
Mr. Gallant lunged behind the wheel. “Put that thing away and get down!”
The woman jerked her arm down.
Acting quickly, Mr. Gallant threw the SUV into Drive and did a three-point turn as he rotated the vehicle back toward north.
Just as he made his final turn, a bullet shattered the back window.
Pebbles of glass rained down on Andi as a burst of cold air flooded inside.
As he accelerated, the SUV swerved. Andi braced herself for more trouble.
But Mr. Gallant righted the vehicle and continued down the road.
No one said anything for a moment as danger jolted through the air.
Andi waited for more gunfire. To feel death lingering close.
But there was nothing. The gunman must have been on foot and unable to catch up.
If Mr. Gallant hadn’t shown up when he did . . . would she be dead right now?
She shivered again. She did have her gun with her. She could have shot back.
But she hadn’t even thought about turning around long enough to search for the shooter.
“Is everyone okay?” Mr. Gallant called over his shoulder.
“I am.” Andi pushed herself up in the seat. The man beside her did the same.
He and the woman in the front appeared to be in shock with their stiff motions and dazed expressions.
Despite that, they both nodded.
No one had been hurt.
Relief swept through her.
“What wasthatabout?” Mr. Gallant’s gaze found Andi’s in the rearview mirror.
Accusation stained his words. He thought this had something to do with her, didn’t he?