“That’s not true,” Duke said.

“Enough talking.” Tommy’s eyes widened with a little bit of crazy.

He raised the trigger in his hand and pressed it.

* * *

Duke braced himself.

But nothing happened.

As soon as he saw the surprise on Tommy’s face, Duke knew he had to act.

He dove across the room, and his body collided with Tommy’s.

They both hit the floor.

The trigger skittered from Tommy’s hand.

In two seconds, Andi grabbed it.

Then Duke flipped the man over, subduing him.

Just as he did, the door broke open.

Ranger and Gibson flooded inside.

“Looks like I missed all the fun.” Gibson took over, taking out his handcuffs to arrest Tommy.

“You did.” Duke rose and wiped the dirt from his elbows.

Officer Trivago followed them inside also and began reading Tommy his rights.

As he did, Duke turned to Ranger, wondering his role in all of this.

“I awoke and heard what was happening,” he explained. “So I sneaked out the back door. Sure enough, he’d wired the place. I quickly disconnected everything to ensure no one would be hurt. I was about to come back inside when the police arrived.”

“Thank you for doing that,” Duke said.

“Thank you for waking up,” Andi added.

Duke held back a smile.

“The man was no genius when it came to wiring the place,” Ranger continued. “I’m not sure if it really would have ignited or not. He was clearly desperate.”

“This place was going to be my altar!” Tommy shouted as Trivago led him away.

Mariella and Simmy ran forward and gave everyone hugs.

Matthew didn’t offer any hugs, but the gratitude on his face was unmistakable.

Gibson turned back toward them. “By the way, Bosch just woke up and he’s talking. Apparently, Tommy has been blackmailing him for years over some illegal hunting. Bosch suspected he might be involved with extortion, but Tommy came back at him. Said if Bosch wasn’t quiet about what Tommy had done that Tommy would report him for that hunting.”

“Bosch was the other person mentioned in that note we found on Craig’s desk,” Andi muttered. “The one that read: There were two.”

“I think you’re right.” Duke nodded.

“Tommy did the same thing with Tropical, “Gibson continued. “In fact, I was at his house when you called me. He admitted that Craig had indeed talked to him a week and a half ago. He was afraid news of that would get back to Tommy, though, and that the man would retaliate.”