Bunny squealed and clapped her hands. “Oh, youarejust like Prince Charming.”

Skeeter stepped closer, almost as if he hadn’t heard Bunny. “I think the lady can speak for herself.”

“The lady is here with me, and I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Duke rose to full height.

“You don’t own this place.” Skeeter shoved him, his puny finger not even making Duke move an inch.

“Both of you, stop.” Andi appeared in between them. “I can handle this myself. I don’t need you two duking it out as if I’m someone’s property.”

Duke tried to soften his shoulders. But Andi’s words barely registered.

This guy had him on edge.

Andi turned to Skeeter. “I don’t have to answer to you or talk to you. So mind your own business. Whatever kind of trouble you say I might be in, I’m sure I can handle that all on my own. Thank you.”

Next, her gaze snapped to Duke’s.

“I appreciate you trying to look out for me. But if I need help, I’ll ask. If you’ll excuse me, I need to run to the restroom.”

With that, she turned on her heel and stormed away, leaving the rest of them standing there in shock.


Andi leanedagainst the sink and splashed some water on her face.

Maybe she should have handled that conversation better. Maybe she should have been kinder and softer.

That was the way her mom had taught her—to be a Southern belle.

But this Southern belle was a street-smart wiseacre with a touch of crazy lurking down deep inside her.

The door opened, and Andi straightened, not wanting anyone to see her frazzled. She’d hoped to have a moment alone.

Instead, Bunny stepped inside, a crease of concern between her eyes. “Are you okay, honey?”

Funny, the woman spoke like a Southerner, even though she’d said earlier she had grown up here.

“I’m fine.” Andi swallowed hard as she tried to compose herself.

Bunny peered at her, obviously not taking the hint that she wanted to be alone. “Do you know you have one of the best guys I’ve ever met out there standing up for you?”

“Are you talking about Duke?” Andi tried to hide the surprise from her voice but failed.

“Well, I’m certainly not speaking about Skeeter.” Bunny rolled her eyes. “Ranger is . . . well, he’s Ranger. He’s untouchable. But Duke McCallister . . . he’s a trophy.”

She wagged her eyebrows as if to drive home her words.

“I don’t know if I’d say that,” Andi muttered as she glanced back in the mirror and caught a glimpse of her pale skin.

“Do you know how much I would give to have a man stand up to someone else for me like that? You might see it as something that gets in the way of your pride. But I see it as something beautiful. A friend who’s willing to put himself on the line for you? Someone like that doesn’t come around very often.”

Andi let Bunny’s words sink in a moment. She had all kinds of arguments on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t dare speak them. Mostly because she heard the hurt in Bunny’s voice.

Bunny was a woman who hadn’t been treated well by men. Andi didn’t know how far that went. Didn’t know exactly what Bunny’s role was here in this town, in a place with so many people passing by looking for warmth and comfort.

But Bunny had definitely had her heart broken. Maybe even smashed.

Andi met her gaze. “You wait for someone who will stand up for you like that. You got it? Don’t settle for anything less than everything you deserve.”