Snow machine tracks, he realized. There must have been a snow machine back here.

A more complete picture formed in his mind.

The killer must have put Trooper Bosch onto the snow machine with him, backtracked to conceal his footsteps, and then taken off, hoping they wouldn’t be followed.

But if that state trooper was on that snow machine . . . did that mean he was already dead?

Duke wasn’t sure. But he felt fairly confident that those two were long gone by now.

That fact didn’t sit well with him.

He needed to get back to the trading post and give Trooper Gibson the update.

With every passing second, the likelihood of finding this trooper alive diminished.

Duke’s earlier thought echoed in his mind right now.

Things in the Alaskan Arctic had gone haywire.

And he and Andi had been plopped into the middle of it.

Just as that thought struck him, he spotted a beam of light in the distance.

A flashlight.

Someone else was out here.

His muscles bristled.

Was his original theory incorrect? Was this guy still out here?

He was about to find out.

* * *

Andi shone her light on the snow as she headed toward those footprints.

She gripped her gun as anxiety churned inside her.

Maybe she shouldn’t be out here.

But she’d never been one to back down, no matter the danger or risks.

Her dad had always said that one day her bravado would get her killed.

Andi hoped he wasn’t right.

As she scanned the area in front of her, she didn’t see anyone.

Her gut tightened even more.

Maybe this person had headed toward the back of the building. That would be the only real place to hide out here.

As Andi started that way, she spotted a shed through the falling snow. That was worth checking out also.

She headed toward it.

Just as she rounded the corner of the small building, she heard movement.