Disappointment bit at him. Though he hadn’t wanted a struggle per se, hehadwanted answers.

Right now, this all appeared to be a wild goose chase.

But that blood he’d seen in the snow was real.

He closed the door, stepped back, and glanced around again.

Those footsteps had led to the shed, but once they’d reached within five feet, they’d faded.

What sense did that make?

Unless . . . this guy had veered off track. Had gone behind the shed instead.

Wanting to make sure that every base was covered, Duke headed to check out that area.

His muscles were on edge, poised to act, as he swung around the corner. He expected to see a madman waiting for him. Instead, snow stared back.

Smooth, untouched snow.

Duke frowned. This guy hadn’t disappeared into thin air.

He glanced around the winter wonderland surrounding him.

Where had this guy gone?

* * *

Andi pushed Simmy behind her as she stared at the man.

The guy was well over six feet tall and broad as a grizzly bear. As he stepped into the light, Andi saw the man’s bushy beard and mustache. His shaggy hair. His layers of clothing.

Then she saw the knife sheathed at the man’s leg.

Her throat dried.

This guy screamed dangerous.

Her grip on the gun tightened.

Andi was about to demand some answers when she heard Simmy say, “Ranger?”


“You know this guy?” Andi didn’t take her eyes off the man—and she wouldn’t until she understood this situation better.

Before Andi could stop her, Simmy pushed past her and pulled the beast into a hug.

Andi lowered her gun, dumbfounded at the scene before her.

“Of course, I know him,” Simmy murmured, turning back toward Andi. “Andi, this is Ranger Garrett. He’s as regular around here as the caribou in the tundra.”

Ranger grunted as he glanced at her, but he said nothing. Not a nice to meet you or it’s good to be here.

The man had startling green eyes, and Andi suspected he was at least partially Native American. Was he one of those guys who lived alone out in nature without so much as a phone?

She would guess the answer to that question was yes.

“Does he always come into the trading post so late?” Andi asked. Itwaspast midnight.