
Andi hadno idea what had caused Duke to have that reaction to the bracelet she’d found.

But he clearly had a connection to it.

She’d seen a name engraved on the back.Celeste.

Who was Celeste?

Her thoughts swirled as she ran through possible scenarios as to what might be going on. But she came up with nothing.

Duke and Gibson stared at the bracelet—surprise etched across their faces—but didn’t say anything.

“Is there something I should know?” Andi tightened her arms across her chest.

The two men glanced at each other again.

Before they could answer, her satellite phone rang.

“It’s Simmy.” As her heart ratcheted, Andi glanced at Duke. “What should I tell her?”

“You have no choice but to tell her the truth at this point.” His voice sounded surprisingly gentle. “She has to know that something’s wrong since we haven’t called her yet.”

Her throat remained tight as she said, “I wanted to do it in person.”

A compassionate frown tugged at his lips. “Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to be a possibility right now.”

Andi knew he was telling the truth.

But she dreaded this conversation.

Despite that, Andi put the phone to her ear and stepped into the kitchen for some privacy.

She really wished she believed in prayer right now.

Because she was going to need some serious help to get through this conversation.

* * *

Duke had given the bracelet to Celeste three years, four months, and five days ago.

On the first anniversary of when they had met at a ski resort in Colorado. She’d injured herself on the slopes, and he’d stopped to help her.

After alerting the ski patrol, he’d stayed with her as they secured her on a toboggan and maneuvered her down the mountain to the clinic.

The paramedics discovered she’d sprained her ankle.

Afterward, Celeste had asked if she could take him to dinner as her way of saying thanks.

Duke had told her she didn’t have to do that.

She’d insisted.

He’d accepted.

Afterward, they’d been inseparable. Celeste had a laugh that brought joy, a smile that could light up a room, and an innocent curiosity that kept life interesting.

Duke had never met anyone like her, and he’d known from the start that he never wanted to lose her.