“Sounds like quite the night.” Duke rubbed his jaw and frowned. “The weather is bad out there. Worse than I’ve seen it in a while.”

“It has been challenging, to say the least. Now, tell me about the ladder and how you got here.” He set out another evidence marker.

Duke told him about the incident outside, and Gibson’s eyebrows rose in surprise. He paused long enough to put in a call about the stolen vehicle just in case anyone came across it.

As they talked, Andi continued scanning the house, almost as if she’d done this before.

Something seemed to catch her eye, and she squatted near the couch.

Duke followed her gaze and saw something glinting along the edge of the couch on the floor.

She reached down and lifted the object, holding it up to the light.

Duke’s breath caught.

It was a bracelet.

Not just any bracelet either.

It wasCeleste’sbracelet. One Duke had given to her.

One he hadn’t seen in nearly two years.

“Let me see that.” He snatched it from her as a sense of urgency seemed to take over his good sense. But he needed to know for sure that he wasn’t seeing things.

“You could have asked nicely, and I would have given it to you.” Andi scowled and crossed her arms.

Duke would apologize later.

For now, he flipped the gold band over.

He sucked in a breath.

Her name was there. Engraved in the gold.


Just as he’d had it made.

His heart pounded harder.

Why in the world was Celeste’s bracelet inside Craig’s house? Did the podcaster have something to do with her disappearance? How would that even be possible?

“Duke?” Gibson stepped closer.

He looked at Gibson and held up the bracelet.

Realization rolled over the trooper’s face.

Gibson knew about the bracelet also.

He’d known it was missing along with Celeste.

Duke’s gaze met Gibson’s.

They may have just found their first clue in nearly two years.

But the only person who could tell them why it was here was dead.