“Well, we didn’t hear any snow machines outside.” She let out a long breath and shook her head. “I don’t know. It is all a mystery, isn’t it?”

It was.

And it wasn’t one that Duke would be forgetting about anytime soon.

Just at that thought, Duke heard another engine.

A car engine.

Someone had pulled up outside.

His shoulders tightened. Had the killer returned?

“Stay here.” Duke made sure his voice left no room for debate.

For once, Andi didn’t argue with him as he stormed toward the door to see who had arrived.


Andi didn’t wantto hide.

She was a take-the-bull-by-the-horns kind of woman.

People had always said that about her. In college, her superlative had been “most likely to slay dragons” and “most likely to end up on the cover ofPeoplemagazine.”

She might end up onPeoplemagazine, but it could very well be because she’d become a murder victim.

She bit back a frown and listened.

She hoped Duke was okay. What was taking so long? What if he needed help?

For now, she would remain here. Try to trust him.

As she waited, she glanced at Craig’s dead body again.

Quickly, she averted her gaze.

Corpses had never been her thing—and she hoped they never were.

Thankfully, it was cold enough in here that there was no smell yet.

Andi crept closer to the door.

Bossy Duke had told her to stay here, and she hadn’t argued. She’d been too shaken to do so.

But her body had gone into fight or flight mode.

As she stood there, she reached for the gun in her waistband and gripped it, just in case.

Because she knew what Duke was thinking.

The same thing she was thinking.

What if the killer or killers had returned?

She and Duke would be sitting ducks out here.

They’d be the subject of the next podcast some armchair detective picked up.