She’d discovered the hard way that opposites didn’t always attract. Sometimes, they attacked.

Which made her wonder if she should find someone more similar to her instead.

If she ever dated again, it would be someone who was bookish and liked spending quiet evenings at home.

“Are you thinking the same thing I am?” Duke asked.

Andi seriously doubted it.

Shoving her thoughts aside, her gaze locked with Duke’s. “Did Craig think there were two killers? Are we dealing with more than one coldblooded murderer here?”

His lips pulled down in a tight frown. “We very well could be.”

The cold pit in her stomach dipped below freezing.

Andi almost wished she hadn’t even asked the question.

* * *

There were two.

The words scribbled on the bright pink Post-it Note wouldn’t leave Duke’s mind as he and Andi stood in the studio.

What if they were dealing with two killers?

Two people who were willing to do whatever it took to keep their secret safe.

If so, why had this killer—or these killers—hung around after murdering Craig? It didn’t make sense.

Did they want to get caught?

After all, there was no one out here in the middle of nowhere to act as a witness. They could have fled and been long gone before any of the authorities arrived.

Yet, approximately an hour and a half after Craig’s murder—that was Duke’s best guess, at least—the culprit, or culprits, were still here.

He’d seen those tracks leading from the house and into the woods. One set.

But what if there were two people involved?

Duke had assumed that the killer had stashed a snow machine beyond the trees. He’d even considered going to look for tracks, but he hadn’t had a chance.

His SUV had been stolen.

The whole situation was unsettling.

“Maybe they left and then came back.” Andi’s voice cut through his thoughts as they stood there in the studio.

“What?” It was almost as if she’d known exactly what he was thinking.

“What if the killers stabbed Craig and then left, but they came back for something? That’s why they stole your SUV.”

“But what would they come back for?” Duke studied her expression, honestly curious about her thoughts. “And, if there are two of them . . . why did we only see one set of footprints?”

“I don’t know. Maybe they are working together but aren’t physically in the same place.” Andi glanced around. “Anything is possible. Whatever it was they wanted, maybe they already grabbed it.”

That seemed doubtful. No need to risk being caught if they already had what they needed.

He placed his hands on his hips as he brooded over her theory. “Then why would they steal my SUV? They obviously had to get here somehow.”