Duke checked around also, looked under the desk, and even in the trash can. “I don’t see it.”

Andi’s mind raced as she imagined what had happened. “The killer . . . he must have grabbed the file after he killed Craig. Craig must have had some type of notation in it, probably with a name the killer didn’t want found.”

“You’re probably right.”

“It’s the only thing that makes sense.” She crept closer to his desk and eyed that laptop again. What she wouldn’t do to be able to open it and look at those last few minutes recorded before Craig’s death.

It could be nothing.

But it also could be something.

There were various notes around his computer, possibly a sign of mad genius.

A grocery list. A few phone numbers.

Another notation reading, “The Missing Women of Dalton Highway.”

She lifted the scrap of paper, squinting with surprise. “What’s this mean?”

Duke blinked, his face turning surprisingly pale.

He cleared his throat before asking, “You haven’t heard about that?”

“Heard about what?”

He grimaced and rubbed his lips together.

He knew something, didn’t he? Something he didn’t want to say.

What a strange reaction.

“I’ll explain later,” he finally said.

Andi started to argue.

Then she saw another note.

A Post-It Note that read, “There were two.”

The air left her lungs. “Duke . . .”


Her heart pounded in her ears as she showed him the note. “What do you think this means?”

He squeezed in closer, read the note and shook his head. As he did, Andi caught a whiff of his woodsy cologne.

Suddenly, she was all too aware of his closeness. Of his manliness. Of his strength.

She shoved those thoughts aside and scolded herself.

Any attraction she’d felt would be pointless.

She wasn’t looking for a man or a relationship or a savior.

Only vengeance.

Plus, Duke was infuriating with his cowboy-saves-the-world attitude.