A snow machine waited beneath the house, but neither of them were dressed to ride it.

Duke stepped under the house and emerged with a ladder a few minutes later. “This will have to work.”

Andi helped him position the extension ladder by the door.

He tested its sturdiness before nodding. “Feels secure. Let’s get inside.”

Carefully, she climbed the rungs behind him. At the top, Duke offered his hand and helped her inside.

Andi might complain about his macho protectiveness, but she actually appreciated his help—especially when she’d climbed the wobbly ladder.

She wasn’t a fan of falling.

She swallowed hard at the thought.

He closed the door behind them, and then they turned toward each other.

“So . . .” Andi started. “It looks like we’re stuck here.”

His jaw twitched. “The state police will show up . . . eventually.”

It was the “eventually” part that concerned her.

“How did that guy start your SUV?” She glanced up at Duke as they lingered near the door. Fear still thrummed through her.

It would for a while.

“Probably hotwired it.” Duke rubbed his neck, looking less like a jovial tour guide and more like GI Joe again.

She liked the change.

Then again, Andi had always liked strong men. She tended to bulldoze males who were weak. Not on purpose. Not very many people could handle her, however. She’d been told that on more than one occasion.

“So this guy was outside the cabin this whole time? Just waiting for the opportunity to steal your vehicle? Or . . . worse?” She shivered at the thought.

That guy could have killed them if he’d wanted to. Instead, he’d wanted to strand them.

What sense did that make?

Duke continued to rub his neck. “I don’t know, to be honest. He had to get here somehow. He could still have a vehicle stashed somewhere, but I doubt it. I’m . . . I’m not really sure how he ended up here. Walking wouldn’t be realistic.”

One thought wouldn’t leave Andi. This guy had probably been watching them the whole time.

He’d seen who they were. What they were doing.

He may have even listened to their conversation.

The thought sent a chill up her spine.

Did that mean they might be targets now?

She knew the answer was a definite yes.

* * *

Duke couldn’t believe everything that had unfolded here at the cabin. He should have known better than to let down his guard for even a moment.

Now he and Andi were stuck here at this secluded house with a dead body until the police arrived. Meanwhile, Simmy was locked in at the trading post until they got back.