But, first, he would have to convince her to let him help protect her.


Andi sawthe SUV heading toward Duke.

Watched as Duke dove into the snow.

Heard the SUV clip the porch.

All kinds of worst-case scenarios raced through her head as the driver sped away.

Then Duke climbed to his feet, yelling at the guy to stop.

She darted down the stairs, desperate to make sure Duke wasn’t injured.

But the staircase swayed.

She paused and sucked in a breath.

When the SUV hit it, something had been knocked loose.

Probably a support beam.

Now the whole thing felt like it might tumble, taking her with it.

She couldn’t let that happen.

“Jump!” Duke yelled.

She wanted to tell him that’s what she was going to do—before he gave her the command.

But this wasn’t the time to argue.

Quickly, she hopped to the ground. Just as she did, the whole stairway toppled into the snow.

Her heart pounded in her ears as she stared at the fallen wood, realizing how close that had been.

She sucked in several deep breaths as she glanced at Duke.

“Are you okay?” Duke’s breath came out in icy puffs in front of him.

Andi nodded. “You?”

He looked irritated—really irritated—as he stared after his SUV. “I’m not hurt. But I’m also not happy, to say the least.”

As the snow swirled around them, she scanned him for any injuries. A small light near the front door cast just enough illumination for her to see him.

She didn’t see any cuts or scrapes, and he acted like his grumpy self.

That was a relief, she supposed.

He nodded at the door, which now stood eight feet above them. “We need to get inside. It’s too cold to stay out here.”

“But your SUV . . .” She glanced at the road again and frowned.

“It’s long gone.” His scowl deepened. “There’s no way we can stop him.”

Andi wanted to argue with him, but she couldn’t. They’d never catch that guy on foot.