That realization only confirmed to Andi that they were dealing with someone dangerous . . . and desperate to remain unknown.

Had Craig told the police about his suspect? Had he told anyone else his theory before he planned to announce the identity of the killer live on air?

Craig was a smart man, so it seemed as if he would have. As if he would have wanted law enforcement to make an arrest.

But would he have waited until after his announcement? Just for the ratings?

Andi tried to think everything through. To think about what Craig had said on his latest podcast.

But he hadn’t really given a hint as to whom it might be. He only said he’d discovered some surprising evidence that could close this case once and for all.

Shivers engulfed Andi as the shock of the moment claimed her.

She glanced over and saw those bobblehead dolls staring at her. Saw the candles still flickering.

She quickly blew them out. Some of them had gotten especially low, and the last thing they needed here was a fire.

As a noise sounded behind her, she swirled around, her gun in hand.

“It’s okay, Andi,” a deep voice said. “It’s just me.”

Duke stood there.

He touched her arm as if to let her know it was okay. “No one else is here.”

Andi’s grasp on the gun loosened, and she released a slow breath.

“Let’s get you somewhere so you can sit down.” He took her arm and led her from the studio, away from the dead body.

She must have looked like she was going to pass out. She’d never done that before, but there was a first time for everything.

A moment later, Duke sat her down on the beige couch with glossy, wooden arms.

“Are you okay?” Duke lowered himself on the cushion beside her.

He sat close enough that Andi could see the golden flecks in his eyes.

And the sincerity.

For a moment, Andi regretted she’d ever questioned whether or not he was a good guy. A sense of goodness emanated from him, and her gut told her he was trustworthy.

But no sooner did that realization consume her did her goodwill disappear.

Andi needed to keep her guard up and trust no one. It was the only smart thing.

She cleared her throat. “What are we going to do?”

Duke swallowed hard as he shifted. “I need to call the police and give them an update. But it’s still going to be a long time until they can get here.”

“Should we wait with the body?” Andi waited for his answer.

From a law perspective, someone should stay here and guard the scene.

But Simmy was back at the trading post with a potential gunman wandering nearby.

However, at least she’d locked the door. She should be safe.

Then again, what did Andi really know?