“Henry was out of town on a business trip. It wasn’t him.”

“Henry? Henry was married to Henrietta?” His voice lilted with wry amusement.

Andi shrugged. “Catchy. Am I right?”

“I guess. Could he have hired someone to kill his wife?”

Andi shrugged again. “If he did, he covered it up well. No money was missing from his accounts. There was even a hundred thousand-dollar reward for information. No one came forward.”

“Is the husband still alive?”

“He is, but he moved to Washington State a couple years after Henrietta died. He got remarried. Three of his six children still live in the area, though. Craig interviewed them for the podcast.”

“Did Craig uncover any secrets about Henrietta?” Duke stole a glance at Andi. “Was she an escort?”

Andi’s mouth gaped open. “An escort? Why would you even ask that? It’s such a guy thing to jump to that conclusion.”

“It is more common than you think—that or she could have been having an affair.”

Her mouth opened even wider. “Judge people much?”

“I’m not judging. I’m just throwing ideas out there. People do have secrets sometimes, you know?”

Oh, yes. Andi did know. All too well.

“Craig found no evidence of either of those things,” she finally said.

“Okay, so Henrietta had no secrets, no affairs, no missing money, and no known enemies. Why would someone kill her then?”

Andi let out a sigh. She’d thought for sure she’d find out that answer today.

“That’s the question on everyone’s mind,” she murmured. “There was a drifter in the area, so for a long time people thought it could be him. Then there was a man scouting out locations in the area for goldmining. He believed the Blancos’ property was in a gold-rich area.”

“That was proven untrue also?”

“There was no evidence to prove itwastrue.” Andi leaned back and let out a sigh.

Whoever was guilty had gotten away with the crime for entirely too long.

She only hoped Craig was okay . . . and that he could finish what he’d started by bringing this killer to justice.

Especially if Craig turned out to be Simmy’s dad.

* * *

Duke tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he reflected on what Andi had said.

The casewasfascinating.

Especially if Craig had discovered the killer.

Before Duke could voice more questions, Andi changed the subject. “So how did you become a tour guide?”

“I kind of fell into it. I moved Fairbanks for a job and fell in love with Alaska. I wanted to stay in the area after the job ended, and I was looking for something to do.” Duke’s voice caught as memories flooded him.

Memories of Celeste.

Memories he had no intention of sharing with this infuriating stranger beside him.