“Why didn’tCraig’s podcast come back on the air?” Andi asked, her thoughts racing as concern charged toward a collision course with paranoia in her mind.

“Maybe the satellite went out.” Mariella made no moves to exit the conversation.

Matthew continued to linger close as well. Andi had assumed they’d gravitate toward the freestanding fireplace in the corner. But the two were surprisingly interested in their conversation.

“Maybe but . . .” Simmy frowned and rubbed her arms.

Andi leaned closer, sensing she had more to say. “But what?”

Simmy ran a hand through her hair, her eyes glazed with worry. “I tried to call Craig. He’s not answering.”

“You tried to call him?” Andi practically gawked as Simmy’s words sank in. “You have his number? You know Craig Rogers?”

Simmy nodded, still appearing as if her mind was in another world. “Yes, I . . . I know him. He comes in once a week.”

“All these conversations we’ve had about the podcast, and you’ve never once mentioned that?” Andi knew that detail was beside the point, but she couldn’t believe it.

Simmy shrugged before glancing at Duke as if seeing him for the first time. She offered a weak smile. “Hi, Duke.”

“You know Duke?” More surprise filled Andi. What was she going to learn next? That these two were both secretly elves working for Santa?

Simmy nodded as if it weren’t a big deal. “Of course, I do. He comes in all the time and brings me some of my best customers. He’s a real diamond in the rough out here.”

Andi cast a glance at him and filed that fact away, not bothering to hide her scrutiny. So he was more Good Samaritan than hitman.

Still, everything was happening all at once, and Andi needed to be cautious. What if this man was somehow connected with this chaos?

But Simmy seemed to know and trust him. That did make Andi feel a little better . . .

She wasn’t sure why she felt so distrustful—after all, he had saved her life.

Maybe it was because he had that cowboy vibe about him. He was one of those men with bravado and enough confidence to lead armies.

Usually, guys like that underestimated her. They tried to put her in a corner, in her “place.”

She’d never let that happen again. Those assumptions had put her in the situation she was in right now. If she’d gone with her gut instinct, Victor would be behind bars right now and Stockton would still be alive.

“You guys . . . I think something is as wrong as a palm tree in the snow.” Simmy glanced at Andi and then Duke. “I think something may have happened to Craig.”

Andi’s heart beat harder. The man in the road. Skeeter’s threats. Her accident. Being shot at.

And now this?

She felt like life was playing a game of cat and mouse with her.

And she didn’t like it.

She swallowed hard and tried to focus her thoughts. “Is it unusual for Craig not to answer his phone?”

“I don’t know.” Simmy shrugged as she pressed her hands into the counter, a tepid expression on her face. “I don’t usually call him.”

Now Andi was really confused. “But you have his number . . .”

“Only for emergencies. It’s a long story.” Simmy sighed, the action ruffling her long bangs. “I know it sounds strange, but it’s always good to have someone on backup. Just in case . . . you know.”

Andi did know.

She knew that all too well.