
Skeeter had known Andi was out this way, she mused.

But would he shoot at her?

It wasn’t like he wanted her dead. The man had cornered her before she left for this run. He’d been aggressive—until she’d kicked him where it hurt. Still, if Lockjaw hadn’t come inside when he did, Andi wasn’t sure what Skeeter would have done to her.

She felt sick to her stomach every time she thought about it.

But if not Skeeter, then she was left with Victor.

Hedefinitelywanted her dead. If Andi’s instincts were correct, he knew she was in Alaska.

What if he’d somehow been tracking her moves? If he’d been waiting for her, planning all of this?

This could be the perfect crime. Out here, there were no cameras. No witnesses.

Andi glanced behind her, desperate to see if anyone was following them. But it was almost impossible to tell in these conditions.

She shivered and rubbed one of her arms. Her other hand remained in her bag near her gun, just in case Duke turned out to be a hitman and these two unsuspecting passengers his sidekicks.

She knew it was unlikely, but she couldn’t afford to let her guard down.

“Was this guy waving his arms like he needed help?” Duke glanced in the rearview mirror at her again.

He hadn’t dropped the subject yet. And she didn’t blame him.

Whatever had happened back there on the road was unnerving, to say the least.

The memory flashed back in her mind. “No, he was just standing there. It was really strange.”

As the cold wind whipped around her, Andi glanced at the Good Samaritan/hitman, watching his reaction.

“Thatisstrange.” Duke narrowed his gaze as if disturbed by the thought. “But not entirely unheard of.”

“Let me guess. There’s a legend about a man in black who roams this area at night, running people off the road so he can drag them off to his lair and kill them?” Andi rolled her eyes.

The guys working at Windswept Transportation tried to scare her with the story when she’d first started.

Skeeter hadreallyenjoyed adding to the folklore. Each time he told the story, the details became more and more gory.

“These roads around here are nothing to play with.” Duke’s voice left no room for questions.

Almost as if he knew things . . .

“Then why are you traveling it?” Andi truly wanted to know this guy’s story.

Did he work private security? Maybe he was a bounty hunter tracking down someone in Prudhoe Bay? Or maybe he really was a hitman working for Victor.

Andi needed an inside connection if she wanted to put that abominable man behind bars.

So far, she’d had no luck—but she wasn’t about to give up.

On the other hand, if Victor had sent this Good Samaritan/hitman . . . then it was a good thing she had her gun.

“I’m traveling this road because I’m a tour guide,” Duke finally answered, his voice surprisingly tight.

Andi’s lungs deflated at his words.