“What was Tropical’s reason for being quiet?” Duke asked.

“Tommy threatened he’d get his property taken away from him.”

“Now does someone want to fill me in on everything else?” Gibson glanced at the group.

Then they all began to talk at once.


The next day,the murder club sat on the couches at the trading post.

Simmy had her laptop in her lap.

She’d gathered them, saying something about a discovery.

Andi had no idea what she might be talking about, but she was curious.

“Watch this.” Simmy pressed a button on her computer.

A video of one of Craig’s podcasts began to play on the screen.

Craig’s weathered face brought Andi a rush of sadness. At least, his killer was now behind bars—and hopefully going to prison for a long time. Their theory had been corroborated, and he’d been charged with two murders, along with extortion.

He wasn’t going to be getting out of this one.

Craig stared at the screen, rolling those baoding balls in his hands.

He was talking about his bobbleheads again, how he’d just ordered a new one. He liked to start most of his episodes with a few minutes of personal information that almost made his show folksy.

“This bobblehead right there?” Craig pointed to an extra-large one that looked like . . . Angela Lansbury. “It’s special. She watches over everything I do and knows my secrets.”

Simmy paused it. “I’ve been rewatching the episodes . . . well, for a lot of reasons, I suppose. But when I saw this . . .” She shook her head. “I don’t know. Something about his words stood out to me.”

“Wait . . . do you think he’s trying to send a message?” Mariella’s eyes widened.

“Maybe,” Simmy said.

“You think he hid something inside that bobblehead doll.” Andi stared at her friend. “Am I right?”

Simmy nodded slowly, almost hesitantly. “I think it’s a possibility. She watches over everything I do and knows my secrets. He usually didn’t say stuff like that.”

“I agree.” Andi nodded. “He didn’t, and the word choice is peculiar.”

Duke shifted, and Andi halfway expected him to dismiss their idea.

Instead, he said, “Why don’t we go see if that’s correct?”

Excitement surged through her. There was nothing she wanted more.

Several minutes later, the whole gang piled into Duke’s SUV.

Just this morning—after working diligently all night—Mariella had debuted her own true crime podcast. The name? The Arctic Circle Murder Club.

Her first episode? Craig’s murder.

With permission, she used some of the video footage she’d taken and had posted it online as a supplement. Simmy and Ranger had asked for their names to be changed and their images blurred.

Andi had also asked that Mariella only use her first name. She couldn’t let Victor discover her presence here—although she suspected he already knew. Hehadto have something to do with the fact she’d run off the road and been shot at.