He got off the phone and waited a couple of minutes until the list came through.

Then Andi leaned close, the scent of her fruity shampoo wafting toward him.

He swallowed his attraction for her. He had no plans of acting on his feelings.

But they could be friends.

Together, they looked at the list.

Duke’s gaze stopped at one name.

He sucked in a breath.

Had Craig seen this list? Made this connection?

If this was right, then they needed to get back to the trading post so they could talk to the rest of the gang.



Andi’s mind raced.

The fact that name was on the list couldn’t be a coincidence.

Had the culprit been staring them in the eyes this whole time, and they’d had no idea?

That was how it seemed.

She didn’t think everybody at the trading post was in imminent danger. But she needed to be sure.

She called Gibson on her way and asked him to come meet them at the post.

He said he’d leave right then.

Then she tried to call Ranger, but he didn’t answer. Why wouldn’t he answer?

She considered calling another member of the murder club. But she wouldn’t. There was no need to freak them out.

In record time, Duke made it back. As soon as the SUV was parked and the engine cut, Duke and Andi were out of the vehicle and headed toward the front door.

They needed to tell everyone what they discovered.

Then they really needed to think this through just a little bit more just to be sure.

But Andi’s gut was telling her that they’d found their guy. With a little more research . . .

As soon as they walked inside, she froze.

Her heart pounded out of control.

Someone new was here.

Sitting at a table with the Arctic Circle Murder Club around him—except for Ranger.

Each member was hanging onto his every word.

“Look natural,” Duke murmured in her ear. “He shouldn’t know that we know.”