“As a defense attorney, you handled people’s wills?” That didn’t fit in his mind.

“Not usually. I made an exception for two people who came to me with sad stories—mostly because I can have a bleeding heart under my tough exterior.”

He could see the bleeding heart part.

“I was disbarred because of that,” she admitted.

“Wow. That’s . . . extreme.”

Andi nodded. “It was. I don’t want to get into all the details of this person who did this to me. But this man has ties up here in Alaska, and I’m determined to bring him down. I took the job with Windswept because I thought they were the link I needed to find answers. I found out he had a meeting in Fairbanks yesterday. I had a plan for how I was going to investigate. Then I ended up here . . .”

More puzzle pieces clicked in place. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

She shrugged before glancing away. “You shared with me about your fiancée, so I just thought it was fair that I share a little about my life too.”

Duke stared at her moment, trying to comprehend what she’d just said.

She was even braver than he thought. He couldn’t imagine the ordeal she’d been through.

She probably hadn’t even told him the half of it.

He licked his lips, some type of urge pressing on him—an urge that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“Andi,” he started.

She looked up at him, her eyes bright yet soft. Her features lovely.

When he’d seen Skeeter on top of her, poised to do who knows what, Duke had known without a doubt that he cared about Andi.

Not that he would act on it.

But he did have feelings.

“Yes?” Andi continued to stare up at him.

Duke had to push away the urge he had to nudge a lock of hair behind her ear or touch her face to see if her skin felt as smooth as it looked.

What was he trying to say? “I—”

Just then, his phone rang and pulled him out of the moment.

It was probably a good thing.

He had no business thinking about Andi like that. A moment of shame washed over him.

Until now, he hadn’t realized just how alone he’d felt over the past two years.

He glanced at the screen and saw Ranger’s name.

He answered, putting it on speaker. “Hey, I’m here with Andi.”

“I just got that list of churchgoers from Obadiah,” Ranger started. “I thought you’d want to know.”

“Can you send it to us?”

“Sure thing. There’s one very interesting name on it. I’ll let you look for yourself.”

Duke was more curious than ever.