Just as she drew her arm back to strike, an electric pulse hit her.

A Taser, she realized.

As she lost control of her body, she saw Skeeter staring at her with that hollow look in his eyes.

“I told you not to mess with me,” he muttered.

With those words, Andi knew that she was in serious trouble.

* * *

Duke didn’t care what Andi said.

Sure, she was a capable woman. But he wasn’t going to leave her out here in the tundra without transportation.

Even if that tow truck was on its way.

He turned his SUV around and headed back toward the semi.

After pulling up behind the trailer, he threw his vehicle into Park and climbed out.

The snow concealed the sound of his footsteps as he made his way toward the cab. He stepped where Andi had stepped to make the journey a little easier, but her steps were much smaller than his.

As soon as he reached the cab, he gave two quick knocks and opened the door. “Andi, it’s me.”

That was when he saw a man looming over her motionless body.

Duke’s heart leapt into his throat.

He remembered this guy.


“What are you doing here?” Skeeter spit out.

Instead of responding, Duke grabbed the man by his coat.

In three swift moves, he yanked the guy from the semi, shoved him into the snow, and dove on top of him.

“You were just waiting there for her, weren’t you?” he growled.

“It’s not what you think.” Skeeter suddenly changed his tune.

“What did you do to her?” Duke practically spit as he said the words.

“Nothing, man. I just wanted to talk.”

“You’re a terrible liar. You did do something to her.” Duke raised his fist, about to teach this guy a lesson.

But something internal stopped him.

Instead of doing what he wanted and beating this guy to a pulp, he sucked in a deep breath.

That was what the old Duke would have done.

But he wasn’t that guy anymore.

He let out a long breath while whispering a silent prayer.