Andi had made her choice. She was going back to Fairbanks.

Should Duke respect her wishes and leave? Put this whole experience behind him and pretend they’d never met?

Andi had made it clear that women could do anything that men could. She probably wouldn’t appreciate it if he stuck around trying to watch out for her.

Maybe heshouldjust leave her here to deal with it. Let her have her moment.

After another moment of hesitation, he put his SUV into Drive and slowly began the drive back to the trading post.


Andi letout a long breath as she sat behind the wheel of her semi.

She’d spent so much time in this truck over the winter that it practically felt like home.

Except it didn’t.

Why had she sent Duke away? Why couldn’t she have simply acted like a normal human? Maybe told him they should stay in touch. Or at least that she’d enjoyed getting to know him.

She’d done this in Austin also.

She hadn’t told people she was leaving.

She’d simply left.

Goodbyes were too hard.

Then again, she’d never been a normal person. She was somewhat brash, mouthy, and sassy.

Those traits had done well for her as a lawyer. But interpersonally speaking?

Not so much.

She frowned as she leaned back in her seat.

The tow truck should be here any minute.

Then she could go back to Fairbanks and figure things out.

As she started to reach into the passenger seat to collect some papers that had fallen from the glove compartment, something moved behind her in the sleeper cab of her truck.

The next moment, someone grabbed her arm.

She screamed.

But no one was close enough to hear.

When she looked up, Skeeter glared at her.

Skeeter must have heard his dad say Andi was supposed to be here to meet the tow truck.

And he’d beat the truck driver here. Parked somewhere out of sight.

Now the two of them were all alone.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he muttered.

“I’m sure you have . . .” But Andi wasn’t going to go down without a fight.