Her pacing reminded him of a lawyer at trial.

“Canaan was a closed community,” Duke continued. “In fact, from what I read, it was unusual that Henry had a job outside the area. Almost everyone there were homesteaders and made their living off the land.”

“Matthew, you researched the people who moved there,” Andi said. “Did you see anything suspicious?”

“Not really.” He shrugged. “But I’d like to look at that photo we found at the church building again and see if there’s anyone I missed.”

“Good idea,” Andi quipped.

Duke caught sight of Andi looking at her watch and frowning.

What was that about?

As if she were reading his mind, she said, “The tow truck is headed out to my rig. I need to get a ride there. Anyone interested in driving me?”

Her rig was being towed.

Did that mean she’d go with it? That only made sense.

But why did the thought of her leaving cause an ache in Duke’s heart?


A few minutes later,Andi and Duke were in his SUV and heading down the road to meet the tow truck driver.

Andi thought for sure she’d be coming back to the trading post. But, just in case, she gave everyone hugs goodbye.

Yes, hugs. Her Texas roots were beginning to show. She’d tried to put them behind her . . . but maybe she shouldn’t. That Southern warmth could have a special place up here in cold Alaska.

Duke thrummed his thumbs on the steering wheel as they drove down Dalton Highway. “Are you going back with the tow truck?”

That was the question . . .

She nibbled on her bottom lip.

Andi wasn’t sure.

This whole investigation had been kind of fun, as had the connection she felt with everyone as they’d been stuck at the trading post. But she couldn’t pretend like this investigation was a priority.

She couldn’t give up her long-term goals for this short-term project.


Are you going back with the tow truck?Duke’s question echoed in her mind.

“It’s the responsible thing to do,” she finally said. “If I don’t do it then I won’t be able to get a job at Windswept again. On the other hand, they don’t really need me to go with the tow truck. Once the truck is in route, they’ll take it to the Windswept Transportation hub, and that will be that.”

“I see.” The way Duke said the words, the way his voice cracked, it almost made it sound like he wanted her to stay.

Andi had to figure out her next step. She’d known that ice road trucking season would end and she’d have to figure out a new plan eventually. But she also thought she’d have answers by now.

She could try to stay in Lockjaw’s good graces. Maybe do some truck runs up to Prudhoe Bay even when it wasn’t winter. That could possibly still give her access to Victor or a way to learn about his schedule.

But if she went back to Fairbanks now, she couldn’t help solve Henrietta’s and Craig’s murders.

Conflict waged inside her like two polar bears vying for their dinner.

It didn’t take long for Andi and Duke to reach Andi’s truck. The rig was still buried in the snow off the road. Seeing it caused a pang of regret to pulse inside her heart.