
Everyone tooka few minutes for themselves once they were back at the trading post.

Almost as soon as Andi walked into her room her phone rang. It was Lockjaw. He confirmed that the tow truck would be arriving to get her semi in three hours, and she needed to meet them there.

Her heart pounded harder at the news.

Three hours.

That was when she’d need to make a decision.

She could go rogue and stay here with the murder club a while longer. But if she did that, there was a good chance she’d lose her job with the trucking company.

However, working for them hadn’t proved to be as fruitful as she’d hoped. She’d virtually found no more additional information about Victor. Her interaction with those at the oil company had been too limited.

Still, working as a truck driver was her best possibility for answers—especially since she’d missed her chance to learn more information about Victor in Fairbanks.

She’d turned her life upside down to come here and make sure he didn’t get away with everything he’d done.

Did she want to give all of that up to solve another case?

Three hours . . .

She nibbled on her bottom lip.

She couldn’t stay in this room any longer than she had to. She needed to get out there and find answers.

She jumped to her feet and meandered back into the cafeteria. The first thing she saw was Mariella on her computer. Based on the excited look on Mariella’s face, she found something.

“This guy left another comment,” Mariella rushed.

Everyone gathered around her.

“What does it say?” Duke leaned close, his eyes lit with excitement.

Andi’s throat went dry at the sight of him looking so impassioned.

Looking like he loved justice as much as she did.

“He said: Once in sin’s darkest night I was wandering alone; A stranger to mercy I stood. But the Savior came nigh, when he heard my faint cry, And He put my sins under the blood. They are covered by the blood; They are covered by the blood; My sins are all covered by the blood. Mine iniquities so vast, have been blotted out at last. My sins are all covered by the blood.”

Andi’s jaw tightened. This guy was taunting them. He knew that they were investigating. Knew that they were getting close.

Did that mean he was someone they’d interacted with at some point during their investigation?

She couldn’t help but think that could be true.

But if so, who?

Catherine seemed to think Obadiah was guilty.

Or there was Officer Tropical. He certainly acted as if he were hiding something.

Joe Prospector could also be a possibility.

Andi’s gaze stopped on Ranger.

He was definitely the most aloof of everyone in their group—except maybe Matthew, who just seemed to like the company of his computer more than people. But Matthew wasn’t from this area, so he wasn’t a suspect.