He glanced around. He wanted to check out the rest of this place and then get back to the trading post.

He’d had enough excitement here to last him a while.


As they allpiled back into Duke’s SUV, Andi realized they didn’t know any more now than they’d known when they set out. Disappointment bit at her.

In the process of this expedition, Duke could have been killed.

Well, maybekilledwas an exaggeration. But he could have been seriously hurt. Andi was thankful the situation hadn’t been any worse.

As they headed down the road, she tried to contend with her thoughts. Tried to figure out what to do next.

If they didn’t get a lead sometime soon, they would all eventually have to resume their lives. This little true crime club they’d put together couldn’t stay like this forever.

Though the idea did have some appeal.

Andi glanced at the side of the road and suddenly grabbed Duke’s arm. “Look! That house is called Tropical Paradise. Isn’t that the name of the guy who was the village police officer?”

His gaze narrowed as he nodded. “It is.”

“We should talk to him!”

“Gibson made it sound like the guy didn’t have much to add.” Duke only considered it a moment before turning off the road. “But we’re here, so why not?”

A few minutes later, they stopped in front of a small log cabin.

Based on the freshly cleared driveway, someone was clearly living here.

Ranger, Mariella, and Matthew decided to stay in the vehicle while Duke and Andi went to talk to him.

Andi knocked on the door, and a man answered before she’d even dropped her hand back down to her side.

“Can I help you?” His voice sounded cool and almost testy. The guy was probably in his fifties with an oversized mustache. He wore a leather coat and fur hat. Premature wrinkles lined his face.

“We’re trying to find Officer Tropical,” Duke said.

“Why do you want to talk to him?” The man’s eyes narrowed as if he didn’t trust them.

“We’re looking into the death of Henrietta Bla—” Duke started.

“Why don’t you leave that to the actual police?” The man sneered, his hand on the door as if he might shut it.

Andi bristled at the man’s condescending tone. “We’re hoping you can help us. You are Officer Tropical, correct?”

“I am.” His gaze narrowed, her words clearly not affecting him. “What do you want to know?”

Duke crossed his arms. “I’m sure you probably know that Craig Rogers was investigating Henrietta’s murder.”

“Who is Craig Rogers?”

“The podcaster,” Andi reminded him.

Had Gibson mentioned Craig to this guy? Or only Henrietta?

“Don’t know who the man is,” Tropical grumbled.

Andi leveled her gaze with him. “So you’re saying that Craig Rogers never came here and spoke to you?”