And Duke had run right into his trap.

He gritted his teeth at the thought of it.

“How did he anticipate we might be coming here?” Andi frowned, appearing as if her mind was in another world.

Duke had wondered the same thing. “That’s a great question. I don’t know.”

How was this guy one step ahead of them?

Was someone feeding him information?

The only ones who would have known they were coming . . . were the ones in their little group right now. He couldn’t imagine any of them setting him up like this.

Had Mariella posted something on social media? He didn’t think she had.

If he had to pick anyone . . . his jaw clenched.

Ranger was the only one who made sense. Everyone else was from out of town.

He stored that idea in the back of his mind.

“We should check out the church while we’re here.” Ranger nodded at the building beyond the trees.

“Sounds like a good idea,” Duke said.

They headed back to meet the rest of the group. But as they did, Duke kept his eyes wide open in case this guy had any more stunts planned.

The twins had already gone inside the church, and when Duke stepped inside, Mariella motioned him over, excitement in her gaze. “Look what I found! Oh, wait. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He repressed a grimace.

She held up a framed photo. “This was on the wall. I’m assuming it’s a picture of the congregation. It’s dated ten years ago.”

“Ten years, huh?” He leaned closer for a better look. “You recognize anyone?”

Mariella pointed at the picture. “That’s Henry and Henrietta.”

Andi pointed at someone else. “That’s Obadiah. If I had to guess, those are his sisters. They look similar.”

“There’s Catherine,” Andi added before pausing.

“What is it?” He studied her face, curious about what she was thinking.

“This guy . . . who is he?”

Duke leaned closer and saw a young man of average height and features. “I have no idea. Why?”

“He seems familiar, doesn’t he?”

“Maybe . . . what are you thinking?”

She pressed her lips together. “Nothing necessarily. Something about him just caught my eye.”

“Can we take this with us?” Mariella asked.

“How about if you just take a picture of it instead?” Duke suggested.

“Sure thing.” Mariella put it on an old pew and then pulled out her phone.