Someone had set cans near the door to alert them if anyone came inside, he realized.

The music stopped abruptly.

Footsteps pounded.

Without thinking, Duke darted inside.

He couldn’t let this guy get away.

The shadowed figure disappeared out the back door without so much as turning his head.

Duke darted out the same door at the back of the sanctuary. He paused on the first step and scanned everything around him.

A snow-covered forest stared back at him.

The man was gone.

His gaze went to the snowy ground.


He began to follow, curious as to how the man had disappeared so easily. Was he hiding, waiting behind a tree to strike?


Duke would need to be on guard.

He pushed himself faster while still remaining cautious.

This guy couldn’t have gotten too far ahead.

Then the footprints stopped.

Duke paused.

Which way had that man gone?

Duke scanned the forest around him, searching for a clue.

But his surroundings were eerily quiet.

The man was here somewhere. Maybe even watching.

Duke took a step forward, determined to get another look.

But as he did, the ground below him cracked.



He began to fall downward into a sea of white.


Andi pacednear the front entrance of the church.

They had all been too anxious to simply sit in the SUV, so they all climbed out and waited nearby.