Several turns off the main road, they finally pulled down a small gravel street. A dilapidated church rose in the distance.

Much of Canaan Village had been abandoned in recent years. From what Duke understood, only about four families still lived in the area. The whole infrastructure that had once existed was gone and religion no longer seemed to be a part of the community.

Most people had moved here in the eighties due to the Homestead Act. One hundred sixty acres per family for around twenty dollars—a deal that couldn’t be beat. It had been the perfect place for people with similar beliefs who wanted a new start to come and set up what they considered the ideal community.

Duke slowly headed down the road toward the church, curious about what they’d find inside. He couldn’t imagine it would be anything significant.

He stared at the building ahead of him. The exterior wood had been painted white and was now peeling. It even had a steeple—though it was crooked. The windows were plain.

The place looked abandoned and almost haunted, despite the idyllic snow surrounding it.

As Duke cut the engine and opened his door, he heard an old, out-of-tune piano playing from somewhere close.

The deep-rooted hymn lent a haunting melody to the air.

That’s when Duke realized someone was inside the church building.

Could it be the killer?


Andi’s blooddropped to permafrost levels.

Someone was inside the church.

Playing the piano.

Playing ahymn.

Matthew had said he heard someone humming a hymn right after Craig was murdered.

Another chill went through Andi at the realization that the killer could be inside the church right now.

If he was here, they couldn’t let him get away—not when he was so close.

She and Duke exchanged a glance, clearly on the same wavelength.

“Where’s that music coming from?” Mariella’s voice sounded taut, and her eyes were wide with fear as she glanced at everyone.

“Everyone, stay back.” Duke stood from the car. “Ranger—stay with them. Please.”

Ranger nodded from the front seat.

Then Duke gently closed the car door and approached the church.

Andi held her breath as she imagined what he would find inside.

* * *

Duke slowly nudged the door open, the piano still playing.

But as he opened the door wider, something rattled.

Then crashed.

He glanced at the floor.

Tin cans cascaded over the old wooden planks.