Duke and Andi remained in the office for several minutes after, talking about her theory. They’d decided to chew on it for a while longer.

If Obadiah was guilty, it would be hard to prove. A lot of time had passed, and he’d covered it up for so many years.

“We should call Emily,” Duke said.

“Good idea.”

“What better time to track her down than now?” He pulled out his phone.

After several minutes of searching, he found her number and dialed.

To Andi’s surprise, Emily answered.

She waited patiently to hear what they were talking about. Mariella, Matthew, and Simmy joined them, clearly waiting for an update also.

Finally, Duke ended the call and turned to them. “Well, that was interesting.”

“What did she say?” Andi asked.

“She’s adamant that Obadiah was with her during the time of the murder and she’s not covering for her ex-boyfriend. She said she has no reason to. She’s happily married with three kids now.”

“You believe her?” Andi asked.

He nodded. “I do. If she’s telling the truth—and I believe she is—then Obadiah isn’t guilty.”

“Then why do you look excited?” Andi continued to study him.

“Because of something else she said. She mentioned that she walked over to visit Obadiah once. When she got to the house, she heard voices in the back. One of them was Henrietta’s.”

“And?” Mariella hung on to his every word.

“Someone—a man—was trying to convince her to leave with him. According to Emily, Henrietta didn’t like living in Alaska. Didn’t like the strict rules her husband imposed on the household. Homesteading wasn’t working for her.”

“What?” Simmy stepped closer. “Why is this the first we’ve heard of this?”

“I guess Henrietta kept quiet about her feelings.”

“Did Emily hear the end of that conversation?” Andi asked.

“No,” Duke said. “Obadiah came downstairs and met her.”

“And she never asked who his mom was talking to?” Mariella asked.

“She brought it up, but Obadiah brushed her off. Said he was sure it was nothing.”

“Why didn’t Emily ever tell anyone else that?” Andi continued.

“She didn’t think it was important. Apparently, Craig tried to call her, but she’s been doing mission work in Africa for the past year. She just got back last week and has been catching up on her messages.”

Andi let that revelation settle in her mind.

Henrietta wasn’t happy?

How did that fit into all of this?

She wasn’t sure. But she was certain there was a link.

* * *