“You can give us a ride back later. We don’t want to leave yet.” Mariella crossed her arms as if daring him to argue.

Ranger remained where he was and shrugged. “I’ll be around.”

Duke thought for sure that was Ranger’s way of saying he wanted to help, though he still wasn’t sure why. The man’s presence and involvement still left Duke on edge.

“You’re all welcome to stay. More than anything, I want to know who did this to Craig.” A sad wistfulness filled Simmy’s voice.

Then Duke’s gaze turned to Andi.

If he were honest with himself, he’d admit she was the one person he most wanted to stay.

She nibbled on her bottom lip before saying, “I’m not sure when the tow truck can get here. If it’s going to be a few hours, then I can help until then.”

The murder club waited for Duke’s response.

Could he really encourage everyone to put their lives on hold for this? It wasn’t as if they’d all been officially hired to investigate. There were no financial rewards or incentives. Just the satisfaction in knowing that they might possibly help solve two murders—and bring Simmy a little peace in the process.

He and Andi had even more on the line.

Because this guy wanted them dead.

He quickly lifted a prayer that he’d make the right choice.


Andi waitedto hear what Duke would say.

She’d already talked to Lockjaw. The tow truck was four hours away—at least. She might as well use her time wisely. Besides, she knew how badly Simmy wanted answers.

How could she turn her back on her friend?

As soon as the truck was here, she’d leave. And when she got to Fairbanks, she would see if Victor was still in town.

Until then, there was nothing she could do but wait.

After a moment of contemplation, Duke nodded. “If you guys want to stay, then I’m willing to give it a shot also. I don’t know for how long, but I don’t see where it would hurt to stay just a little while longer. I want to know who’s behind this just as much as you guys do.”

Andi tried to repress her smile, but it didn’t work.

She’d been hoping Duke would say that.

“Thank you,” Simmy nearly whispered.

Duke nodded. “I know this is important to you.”

“I came all this way to find my father. Now . . . it’s too late to tell him who I am. But I can at least honor him by finding his killer.”

Duke seemed to snap into professional mode again as his shoulders rolled back and his chin lifted. “If we’re going to do this, we need a game plan. We need to divide up some tasks and see what we can do to find answers. We don’t have time to waste.”

Andi agreed with his assessment. “Then let’s get busy.”

* * *

An hour later, the group had their game plan lined up, Andi mused.

The search for answers would start with Catherine Beeman.

Catherine was Henrietta’s friend, the one who’d discovered Henrietta’s body. Duke decided she’d be a great person to talk to, and since she still lived in the area, it seemed like a given.